Marine Environment Sensing Network (MESN)

Climate change, coastal urbanization and other anthropogenic impacts can disrupt marine environmental cycles, and cause far-reaching changes and re-organization of biological, physical and chemical systems.

We aim to lay the groundwork for establishing an operational Marine Environment Sensing Network (MESN) to support monitoring of climate change, and other emerging threats to Singapore’s marine environment, an initiative which will contribute to the global marine observatory. MESN aims to bring together a network of marine scientists, interested developers and industry partners to support environment monitoring efforts in the long term.

We will develop smart, extensible scientific buoys as research platforms to foster development of new sensing methods and technologies. These will help marine scientists from partner institutes to establish baseline monitoring, develop protocols for monitoring emerging threats, and build operational research data platform with interfaces to national and international observatory network. Interested research communities and environmental sensing industries are welcome to leverage the buoys for scientific and technological research.