Koay Teong Beng
Senior Engineer
Teong Beng received his bachelor of engineering (B.Eng.) in electrical and electronics engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia followed by his Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) in electrical and computer engineering from National University of Singapore. He enjoyed the R&D environment and the freedom in designing and building custom instrumentation that supported various researches in ARL. He has been leading designs of the hardware in many of the projects such as the stochastic tomography experiment, ROMANIS, high frequency ambient noise studies, mini PANDA, cPANDA used for humpback whale studies, acoustic bandwidth compression system, and recently involved in STARFISH, dPod, and modem development.

- tbkoay@nus.edu.sg
Research Interests
- Developments of AUV and autonomous assets for environmental sensing
- Cooperative algorithms for a network of diverse autonomous assets
- Self sustainable autonomous assets and alternative energy for marine systems
- Biosonar studies such as dolphin/whale studies, and acoustic bandwidth compression
- R. Mishra, T. B. Koay, M. Chitre, and S. Swarup, “Multi-USV Adaptive Exploration Using Kernel Information and Residual Variance,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, May 2021. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- C. Chi, H. Vishnu, T. B. Koay, and M. Chitre, “Robust Resolution of Velocity Ambiguity for Multifrequency Pulse-to-Pulse Coherent Doppler Sonars,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1506–1515, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- C. Chi, H. Vishnu, T. B. Koay, and M. Chitre, “Utilizing Orthogonal Coprime Signals for Improving Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1516–1526, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- C. Chi, V. Hari, and T. B. Koay, “Resolving Velocity Ambiguity Based on Robust Chinese Remainder Theorem for Multi-Frequency Pulse-to-Pulse Coherent Doppler Sonar,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Charleston), October 2018.
- C. Chi, H. Vishnu, and T. B. Koay, “Improving Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler with Orthogonal Coprime Pulse Pairs and Robust Chinese Remainder Theorem,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Kobe, Japan), May 2018. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, A. Raste, Y. H. Tay, Y. S. Wu, A. Mahadevan, S. P. Tan, J. Lim, M. Chitre, and C. N. Ong, “Interactive monitoring in reservoirs using NUSwan – preliminary field results,” Water Practice & Technology, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 806–817, 2017. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, C. N. Ong, and M. Chitre, “New Smart Water Assessment Network – Improving Spatiotemporal coverage in daily sensing,” in Clean Environment Regulatory Roundtable, CleanEnviro Summit Singapore, (Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.), 12-13 July 2016. (Invited).
- T. B. Koay, A. Raste, Y. H. Tay, Y. Wu, A. Mahadevan, S. P. Tan, J. Lim, M. Chitre, and C. N. Ong, “Near Persistent Interactive Monitoring In Reservoirs Using NUSwan — Preliminary Field Results,” in Water Conventions, Singapore International Water Week, (Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.), 10-14 July 2016. [ .pdf ]
- C. L. Ng, S. Senft-Grupp, H. F. Hemond, T. B. Koay, M. Chitre, and C. Harvey, “Safeguarding Water Resources with a Multi-mode Sensing Technology,” in CENSAM 8th Annual Workshop, (UTown Auditorium 1@ Town Plaza, CREATE Campus, NUS, Singapore.), 29 June 2015. (Poster Presentation).
- V. Pallayil, M. Chitre, B. Kalyan, S. Suman, T. B. Koay, C. S. Chia, H. E. Teo, C. S. Lim, and T. Taher, “The Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge (SAUVC) : An Effort to Engage and Expose Young Engineers to Challenges of Underwater Robotics,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Genoa, Italy), May 2015. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
- C.-L. Ng, T.-B. Koay, S. Senft-Grupp, M. Chitre, and H. F. Hemond, “In situ real-time optical sensing device for three-dimensional water chemistry surveillance,” Water Practice and Technology, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 836–845, 2015. [ DOI ]
- C. L. Ng, T. B. Koay, S. Senft-Grupp, M. Chitre, and H. F. Hemond, “Real-time optical sensing device for in situ 3-D chemical mapping,” in Singapore International Water Week, (Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.), June 2014. (Invited).
- T.-B. Koay and M. Chitre, “Energy-efficient path planning for fully propelled AUVs in congested coastal waters,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE Bergen, (Bergen, Norway), June 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- M. Chitre, I. Topor, and T.-B. Koay, “The UNET-2 modem — an extensible tool for underwater networking research,” in Proceedings of OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Yeosu, (Yeosu, South Korea), May 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- M. Chitre, M. Legg, and T.-B. Koay, “Snapping shrimp dominated natural soundscape in Singapore waters,” in Contributions to Marine Science (K.-S. Tan, ed.), pp. 127–134, National University of Singapore, 2012. [ .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, Y. T. Tan, Y. H. Eng, R. Gao, M. Chitre, J. L. Chew, N. Chandhavarkar, R. Khan, T. Taher, and J. Koh, “Starfish — a small team of autonomous robotic fish,” Indian Journal of geo-Marine Science, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 157–167, 2011. [ .pdf ]
- J. L. Chew, T. B. Koay, Y. T. Tan, Y. H. Eng, R. Gao, M. Chitre, and N. Chandhavarkar, “STARFISH: An Open-Architecture AUV and its Applications,” in Defence Technology Asia (DTA 2011), (Singapore), Feb 2011. [ .pdf ]
- T. Koay, S. Yeo, G. Tan, S. Tan, P. Seekings, and M. Chitre, “Measuring the augmented sound localization ability of humans in the underwater environment,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, (Seattle, WA, USA), September 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, Y. T. Tan, Y. H. Eng, R. Gao, M. Chitre, J. L. Chew, N. Chandhavarkar, R. Khan, T. Taher, and J. Koh, “STARFISH – A small team of autonomous robotics fish,” in 3rd International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications 2010, (Cyberjaya, Malaysia), Nov 2010. [ .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, J. Tan, S. P. Tan, S. K. Yeo, H. Tay, M. Chitre, and J. Potter, “Enabling humans to hear the direction of sounds underwater – Experiments and preliminary results,” in OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE, (Quebec City, Canada), September 2008. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- M. Sangekar, M. Chitre, and T. Koay, “Hardware architecture for a modular autonomous underwater vehicle STARFISH,” in OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE, (Quebec City, Canada), September 2008. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- J. R. Potter, A. A. Pack, J. Reidenberg, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, P. J. Seekings, M. A. Chitre, T. B. Koay, and L. M. Herman, “Humpback whale song source location in the head, source levels and directionality from in-situ rebreather diver recordings,” in 17th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals (P. Best and M. Bester, eds.), (Cape Town, South Africa), December 2007.
- J. R. Potter, A. A. Pack, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, T. B. Koay, P. Seekings, and M. A. Chitre, “A Synchronised Acoustic Array, Rangefinder & Video System With Examples From Singing Humpback Whales (Megaptera Noveangliae),” in European Cetacean Society 2007, April 23-25 2007. [ .pdf ]
- P. D. Deshpande, M. N. Sangekar, B. Kalyan, M. A. Chitre, S. Shahabudeen, V. Pallayil, and T. B. Koay, “Design and Development of AUVs for cooperative missions,” in Defence Technology Asia (DTA 2007), (Singapore), March 22 2007. [ .pdf ]
- J. R. Potter, V. Pallayil, M. A. Chitre, T. B. Koay, S. P. Tan, E. T. Tan, and P. D. Deshpande, “Shallow Water Ambient Noise Imaging Camera Developed at the ARL,” in Defence Research and Development conference, (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), May 23 2006.
- T. B. Koay, P. J. Seeking, M. Chitre, S. P. Tan, and M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, “Advanced PANDA for high speed autonomous ambient noise data collection and boat tracking – system and results,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE – Asia Pacific, (Singapore), pp. 1–9, May 2006. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- P. Seekings, T. B. Koay, M. Chitre, V. Payallil, P. Deshpande, J. Jin, and L. C. Lim, “Perfomance evaluation of a single crystal hydrophone,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE – Asia Pacific, (Singapore), pp. 1–7, May 2006. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, J. Potter, M. Chitre, S. Ruiz, and E. Delory, “A compact real-time acoustic bandwidth compression system for real-time monitoring of ultrasound,” in OCEANS 2004 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN ’04, vol. 4, (Kobe, Japan), pp. 2323–2329, November 2004. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- S. P. Tan, T. B. Koay, P. Venugopalan, M. A. Chitre, and J. R. Potter, “Development of a shallow water ambient noise database,” in Underwater Technology, 2004. UT ’04. 2004 International Symposium on, (Taipei, Taiwan), pp. 169–173, April 2004. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, J. R. Potter, A. A. Pack, T. B. Koay, M. H. Deakos, L. M. Herman, and C. Durville, “Up close and personal: Recording humpback whale song at close ranges (10-50m),” in OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE, (San Diego, CA, USA), p. 472, September 2003.
- V. Pallayil, M. A. Chitre, E. T. Tan, J. R. Potter, T. B. Koay, S. B. Ruiz, and S. P. Tan, “Ambient noise imaging – First deployments of ROMANIS and preliminary data analysis,” in OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE, (San Diego, CA, USA), pp. 882–888, September 2003. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, E. T. Tan, M. Chitre, and J. Potter, “Estimating the spatial and temporal distribution of snapping shrimp using a portable, broadband 3-dimensional acoustic array,” in OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE, vol. 5, (San Diego, CA, USA), pp. 2706–2713, September 2003. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- M. Chitre, T. B. Koay, and J. Potter, “Origins of directionality in snapping shrimp sounds and its potential applications,” in OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE, vol. 2, (San Diego, CA, USA), pp. 889–896, September 2003. [ DOI | .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, “Development of a high frequency ambient noise data acquisition system,” Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2003. [ .pdf ]
- J. R. Potter, T. B. Koay, and V. Pallayil, “Statistical analysis of low-frequency noise recorded in ASIAEX by a PANDA system,” in Acoustical Society of America meeting, Cancun, Mexico, 2003.
- T. B. Koay, E. T. Tan, and J. Potter, “A portable, self-contained, 5MSa/s data acquisition system for broadband, high frequency acoustic beamforming,” in OCEANS ’02 MTS/IEEE, vol. 1, pp. 369–378 vol.1, October 2002. [ .pdf ]
- D. Sun, J. R. Potter, and T. B. Koay, “Single Receiver Rapid Geoacoustic Inversion in Shallow Water,” in The 3rd International Workshop on Underwater Acoustical Technology, Harbin, China, August 2002. [ .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, J. R. Potter, V. Pallayil, and E. T. Tan, “PANDA: A Rapidly Deployable, Self-Recovering Shallow Water Acquisition Platform,” MTS Sea Technology Magazine, 2002. [ .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, J. R. Potter, and D. Sun, “Rapid, robust, single-point geoacoustic inversion in shallow water,” in NUWC ASW workshop, Rhode Island, 2002.
- H. Zhang, T. B. Koay, V. Pallayil, Y. Zhang, and J. R. Potter, “Fibre channel storage area network design for an acoustic camera system with 1.6 gbits/s bandwidth,” in IEEE REGION 10 International conference on electrical and electronic technology (D. Tien and Y. Liang, eds.), vol. 1, 2, pp. 143–148, August 2001. IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, August 19-22, 2001. [ .pdf ]
- T. B. Koay, J. Potter, T. Johansson, and P. Venugopalan, “PANDA; a self-recovering shallow water acoustic logger,” in OCEANS, 2001. MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition, vol. 3, pp. 1879–1885 vol.3, 2001. [ .pdf ]
- J. R. Potter, V. Pallayil, and T. B. Koay, “South China Sea acoustics; PANDA moorings (an endangered species),” in ASIAEX workshop, Hawaii, 2001.
- J. R. Potter and T. B. Koay, “Do snapping shrimp chorus in time or cluster in space? Temporal-spatial studies of high-frequency ambient noise in Singapore waters,” in European Conference on Underwater Acoustics 2000, Lyons, France, July 2000. [ .pdf ]
- L. Hong, T. B. Koay, J. R. Potter, and S. H. Ong, “Estimating snapping shrimp noise in warm shallow water,” in Oceanology International ’99, Singapore, 1999. [ .pdf ]