Book Chapters / Articles in Collection

  1. V. Ganesan, M. Chitre, and E. Brekke, “Robust underwater obstacle detection for collision avoidance,” in Experimental Robotics (M. A. Hsieh, O. Khatib, and V. Kumar, eds.), vol. 109 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, pp. 777–790, Springer International Publishing, 2016. [ DOI | http | .pdf ]
  2. Y.-H. Eng and M. Chitre, “Roll control of an autonomous underwater vehicle using an internal rolling mass,” in Field and Service Robotics(L. Mejias, P. Corke, and J. Roberts, eds.), vol. 105 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, pp. 229–242, Springer International Publishing, 2015. [ DOI ]
  3. Y. T. Tan and M. Chitre, “Direct policy search with variable-length genetic algorithm for single beacon cooperative path planning,” in Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (M. Ani Hsieh and G. Chirikjian, eds.), vol. 104 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, pp. 321–336, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. [ DOI | http | .pdf ]
  4. M. Doniec, I. Topor, M. Chitre, and D. Rus, “Autonomous, localization-free underwater data muling using acoustic and optical communication,” in Experimental Robotics (J. P. Desai, G. Dudek, O. Khatib, and V. Kumar, eds.), vol. 88, pp. 841–857, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  5. M. Chitre, M. Legg, and T.-B. Koay, “Snapping shrimp dominated natural soundscape in Singapore waters,” in Contributions to Marine Science (K.-S. Tan, ed.), pp. 127–134, National University of Singapore, 2012. [ .pdf ]
  6. S. Shahabudeen, M. A. Chitre, and M. Motani, “Dynamic TDMA and MACA based protocols for distributed topology underwater acoustic networks,” in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks (Y. Xiao, ed.), ch. 8, pp. 197–224, Auerbach Publications, 2009. [ http ]
  7. A. A. Pack, L. M. Herman, and M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, “Dolphin echolocation shape perception: from sound to object,” in Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins (J. Thomas, C. Moss, and M. Vater, eds.), pp. 298–308, University of Chicago Press; Chicago & London, 2003.

Journal Articles

  1. Z. Li, M. Chitre and M. Stojanovic, “Underwater acoustic communications,” Nat Rev Electr Eng, Dec 2024. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  2. E. Weidner, G. Deane, A. Le Boyer, M. H. Alford, H. Vishnu, M. Chitre, M. Stokes, O. Glowacki, H. Johnson and F. Straneo, “High frequency broadband acoustic systems as a tool for high latitude glacial fjord research,” EGUsphere [preprint], 2024. [ DOI ]
  3. M. Soh, M. Chitre, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, B. Lee and K. Er, “A novel method for estimating avian roost sizes using passive acoustic recordings,” Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 5, e12394, Sep 2024. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  4. A. Shermin, B. Mehta, S. Dhongdi and M. Chitre, “Load-Adaptive MAC Protocol for Frontier Detection in Underwater Mobile Sensor Network,” Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 165, 103641, Aug 2024. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  5. T. Arikan, A. Weiss, H. Vishnu, G. Deane, A. Singer and G. Wornell, “A deep learning method for reflective boundary estimation,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 156, no. 1, pp. 65–80, Jul 2024. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  6. H. Vishnu, V. R. Soorya, M. Chitre, Y. M. Too, T. B. Koay and A. Ho, “Machine-learning based detection of marine mammal vocalizations in snapping-shrimp dominated ambient noise,” Marine Environmental Research, vol. 199, 106571, Jul 2024. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  7. K. Li and M. Chitre, “Data-aided Underwater Acoustic Ray Propagation Modeling,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 1127–1148, Oct 2023. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  8. D. Kari, A. Singer, H. Vishnu and A. Weiss, “A gradient-based optimization approach for underwater acoustic source localization,” Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, vol. 51, no. 1, Aug 2023. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  9. H. Vishnu, G. Deane, O. Glowacki, M. Chitre, H. Johnson, M. Moskalik and D. Stokes, “Depth-dependence of the underwater noise emission from melting glacier ice,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Express Letters, 3 (020801), Feb 2023. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  10. T. Arikan, A. Weiss, H. Vishnu, G. Deane, A. Singer and G. Wornell, “An architecture for passive joint localization and structure learning in reverberant environments,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 153, 665, Jan 2023. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  11. H. Vishnu, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M. Chitre, A. Z. Ho and E. Matrai, “A dolphin-inspired compact sonar for underwater acoustic imaging,” Communications Engineering, Jun 2022. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  12. A. Weiss, T. Arikan, H. Vishnu, G. Deane, A. Singer and G. Wornell, “A Semi-Blind Method for Localization of Underwater Acoustic Sources,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 70, pp. 3090–3106, May 2022. (Accepted) [ DOI | .pdf ]
  13. Y. H. Chua, M. Chitre and G. B. Deane, “Long-lived Bubbles and Their Impact on Underwater Acoustic Communication,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 1008–1023, July 2021. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  14. R. Mishra, T. B. Koay, M. Chitre, and S. Swarup, “Multi-USV Adaptive Exploration Using Kernel Information and Residual Variance,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, May 2021. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  15. C. Wei, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, W. W. Au, A. Z. Ho, E. Matrai, W. Feng, D. R. Ketten, and Y. Zhang, “Possible limitations of Dolphin Echolocation: A simulation study based on a cross-modal matching experiment,” Scientific Reports, vol. 11, pp. 6689, March 2021. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  16. J. M. Gonzalez-Cava, F. B. Carlson, O. Troeng, A. Cervin, K. van Heusden, G. A.Dumont, and KristianSolteszc, “Robust PID control of propofol anaesthesia: Uncertainty limits performance, not PID structure,” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol. 198, pp. 105783, January 2021. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  17. K. Soltesz, F. Gustafsson, T. Timpka, J. Jaldén, C. Jidling, A. Heimerson, T. B. Schön, A. Spreco, J. Ekberg, Örjan Dahlström, F. B. Carlson, A. Jöud, and B. Bernhardsson, “The effect of interventions on COVID-19,” Nature, vol. 588, pp. E26–E28, December 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  18. H. Vishnu, G. Deane, M. Chitre, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, and M. Moskalik, “Vertical directionality and spatial coherence of the sound field in glacial bays in Hornsund Fjord,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 148, no. 6, 2020. © 2020 Acoustical Society of America. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  19. C. Chi, V. Pallayil, and M. Chitre, “Design of an adaptive noise canceller for improving performance of an autonomous underwater vehicle-towed linear array,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 202, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  20. C. Chi, H. Vishnu, T. B. Koay, and M. Chitre, “Robust Resolution of Velocity Ambiguity for Multifrequency Pulse-to-Pulse Coherent Doppler Sonars,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1506–1515, 2020. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  21. C. Chi, H. Vishnu, T. B. Koay, and M. Chitre, “Utilizing Orthogonal Coprime Signals for Improving Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 1516–1526, 2020. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  22. M. Chitre, J. Tian, and H. Vishnu, “On Ambiguity Function Shaping for Broadband Constant-Modulus Signals,” Signal Processing, vol. 166, 2020. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  23. L. J. Wong, B. Kalyan, M. Chitre, and H. Vishnu, “Acoustic Assessment of Polymetallic Nodule Abundance Using Sidescan Sonar and Altimeter,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol.46, no.1, pp. 132-142, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  24. S. L. R. Goh, H. Vishnu and N. K. Ng, “The sounds of fighting: contests between violet vinegar crabs, Episesarma versicolor (Tweedie, 1940) (Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae), are resolved through acoustic communication,” Journal of Crustacean Biology, vol. 39, pp. 331–341, 2019. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  25. E. Matrai, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, and S. T. Kwok, “Lateralization in accuracy, reaction time and behavioral processes in discrimination task in an Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops Aduncus),” Behavioural Processes, vol. 162, pp. 112–118, 2019. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  26. E. Brekke and M. Chitre, “Relationship between Finite Set Statistics and the Multiple Hypothesis Tracker,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 54, no. 4, pp. 1902–1917, 2018. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  27. Y. M. Too, M. Chitre, G. Barbastathis, and V. Pallayil, “Localizing Snapping Shrimp Noise Using a Small-Aperture Array,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1–16, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  28. T. B. Koay, A. Raste, Y. H. Tay, Y. S. Wu, A. Mahadevan, S. P. Tan, J. Lim, M. Chitre, and C. N. Ong, “Interactive monitoring in reservoirs using NUSwan – preliminary field results,” Water Practice & Technology, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 806–817, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  29. V. N. Hari, B. Kalyan, M. Chitre, and V. Ganesan, “Spatial modeling of deep-sea ferromanganese nodules with limited data using neural networks,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1–18, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  30. A. Mahmood, M. Chitre, and V. Hari, “Locally optimal inspired detection in snapping shrimp noise,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 1049–1062, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  31. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Ambient Noise in Warm Shallow Waters: A Communications Perspective,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 6, pp. 198–204, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  32. V. Hari and M. Chitre, “Robust estimation of modulation frequency in impulsive acoustic data,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 1932–1946, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  33. P. Anjangi and M. Chitre, “Propagation-Delay-Aware Unslotted Schedules with Variable Packet Duration for Underwater Acoustic Networks,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 977–993, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  34. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Generating Random Variates for Stable Sub-Gaussian Processes with Memory,” Signal Processing, vol. 131, pp. 271–279, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  35. S. Lmai, M. Chitre, C. Laot, and S. Houcke, “Throughput-efficient Super-TDMA MAC Transmission Schedules in Ad hoc Linear Underwater Acoustic Networks,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 156–174, 2017. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  36. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, D. Herzing, A. Ho, and M. A. Chitre, “Whose Sound is it Anyway? Identifying the Vocalizer on Underwater Video by Localizing with a Hydrophone Array,” Animal Behavior and Cognition, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 288–298, 2016. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  37. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Optimal and Near-Optimal Detection in Bursty Impulsive Noise,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 639–653, 2016. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  38. M. Shaukat and M. Chitre, “Adaptive Behaviors in Multi-Agent Source Localization using Passive Sensing,” Adaptive Behavior, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 446–463, 2016. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  39. V. Ganesan and M. Chitre, “On stochastic self-assembly of underwater robots,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 251–258, 2016. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  40. Y. H. Eng, M. Chitre, K. M. Ng, and K. M. Teo, “Minimum Speed Seeking Control for Nonhovering Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” Journal of Field Robotics, vol. 33, no. 5, 2016. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  41. Y. H. Eng, K. M. Teo, M. Chitre, and K. M. Ng, “Online System Identification of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle via In-Field Experiments,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 5–17, 2016. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  42. V. Pallayil, M. Chitre, S. Kuselan, A. Raichur, M. Ignatius, and J. Potter, “Development of a second-generation underwater acoustic ambient noise imaging camera,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 175–189, 2016. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  43. V. Ganesan, M. Chitre, and E. Brekke, “Robust underwater obstacle detection and collision avoidance,” Autonomous Robots, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 1165–1185, 2015. [ DOI  | http  | .pdf  ]
  44. C.-L. Ng, T.-B. Koay, S. Senft-Grupp, M. Chitre, and H. F. Hemond, “In situ real-time optical sensing device for three-dimensional water chemistry surveillance,” Water Practice and Technology, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 836–845, 2015. [ DOI  ]
  45. S. Lmai, M. Chitre, C. Laot, and S. Houcke, “Throughput-maximizing Transmission Schedules for Underwater Acoustic Multihop Grid Networks,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 853–863, 2015. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  46. K. Pelekanakis and M. Chitre, “Robust Equalization of Mobile Underwater Acoustic Channels,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 40, no. 4, 2015. [ .pdf  ]
  47. Y. T. Tan, M. Chitre, and F. Hover, “Cooperative bathymetry-based localization using low-cost autonomous underwater vehicles,” Autonomous Robots, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 1187–1205, 2015. [ DOI ]
  48. E. Brekke and M. Chitre, “A Multi-Hypothesis Solution to Data Association for the Two-Frame SLAM Problem,” International Journal of Robotics Research, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 43–63, 2015. [ DOI  ]
  49. K. C. Unnikrishnan, V. Pallayil, K. M. Lim, and C. H. Chew, “Flow noise response of a diaphragm based fibre laser hydrophone array,” Ocean Engineering, vol. 91, pp. 235–242, 2014. [ .pdf  ]
  50. A. Mahmood, M. Chitre, and M. Armand, “Detecting OFDM Signals in Alpha-Stable Noise,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 3571–3583, 2014. [ .pdf  ]
  51. A. Mahmood, M. Chitre, and M. Armand, “On Single-Carrier Communication in Additive White Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 3584–3599, 2014. [ .pdf  ]
  52. K. Pelekanakis and M. Chitre, “Adaptive sparse channel estimation under symmetric alpha-stable noise,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 3183–3195, 2014. [ .pdf  ]
  53. M. Chitre and W.-S. Soh, “Reliable point-to-point underwater acoustic data transfer: To juggle or not to juggle?,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 93–103, 2014. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  54. Y. T. Tan, G. Rui, and M. Chitre, “Cooperative path planning for range-only localization using a single moving beacon,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 371–385, 2014. [ .pdf  ]
  55. S. Shahabudeen, M. Chitre, and M. Motani, “Adaptive multimode medium access control for underwater acoustic networks,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 500–514, 2014. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  56. S. Shahabudeen, M. Motani, and M. Chitre, “Analysis of a high-performance MAC protocol for underwater acoustic networks,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 74–89, 2014. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  57. R. Balasubramanian, K. Sathrugnan, J. R. Potter, O. Wurl, and C. Durville, “Chemical Characterization of aerosols collected in the Equatorial Atmosphere over the Indian Ocean,” Atmospheric Environment, vol. 78, pp. 268–276, 2013. [ .pdf  ]
  58. S. Li, D. Wang, X. Wang, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, N. Fernando, E. A. Taylor, W. Lin, J. Chen, and T. Ng, “Possible age-related hearing loss (presbycusis) and corresponding change in echolocation parameters in a stranded Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin,” Journal of Experimental Biology, vol. 216, pp. 4144–4135, 2013. [ .pdf  ]
  59. K. C. Unnikrishnan, V. Pallayil, K. M. Lim, and C. H. Chew, “Pressure compensated fibre laser hydrophone: Theory and experimentation,” Journal of Acoustical Society of America, vol. 134, no. 4, pp. 2710–2718, 2013. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  60. M. Chitre, K. Pelekanakis, and M. Legg, “Statistical bit error trace modeling of acoustic communication links using decision-feedback equalization,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 785 — 795, 2013. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  61. N. Chotiros and V. Pallayil, “Seabed characterization using acoustic communication signals on an autonomous underwater vehicle with a thin-line towed array,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 38, no. 3, pp. 410–418, 2013. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  62. K. Pelekanakis and M. A. Chitre, “New sparse adaptive algorithms based on the natural gradient and the L0 norm,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 323–332, 2013. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  63. M. Chitre, S. Kuselan, and V. Pallayil, “Ambient noise imaging in warm shallow waters; robust statistical algorithms and range estimation,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 132, no. 2, pp. 838–847, 2012. [ DOI  | http  | .pdf  ]
  64. M. Chitre, M. Motani, and S. Shahabudeen, “Throughput of networks with large propagation delays,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 645–658, 2012. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  65. A. Mahmood, M. Chitre, and M. Armand, “PSK communication with passband additive symmetric α-stable noise,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 2990–3000, 2012. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  66. E. Brekke, O. Hallingstad, and J. Glattetre, “Improved target tracking in the presence of wakes,” Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 1005–1017, 2012. [ DOI  ]
  67. T. B. Koay, Y. T. Tan, Y. H. Eng, R. Gao, M. Chitre, J. L. Chew, N. Chandhavarkar, R. Khan, T. Taher, and J. Koh, “Starfish — a small team of autonomous robotic fish,” Indian Journal of geo-Marine Science, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 157–167, 2011. [ .pdf  ]
  68. E. Brekke, O. Hallingstad, and J. Glattetre, “The modified Riccati equation for amplitude-aided target tracking in heavy-tailed clutter,” Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 2874–2886, 2011. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  69. K. Pelekanakis and A. B. Baggeroer, “Exploiting time-frequency-space diversity with coded ofdm for underwater acoustic communications,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 36, pp. 502–513, 2011.
  70. K. C. Unnikrishnan and J. Kim, “Development of an algorithm for automatic detection and rating of squeak and rattle events,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 329, no. 21, pp. 4567–4577, 2010. [ .pdf  ]
  71. M. Doniec, C. Detweiler, I. Vasilescu, M. Chitre, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, and D. Rus, “Aquaoptical: A lightweight device for high-rate long-range underwater point-to-point communication,” Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 55–65, 2010.
  72. E. Brekke, O. Hallingstad, and J. Glattetre, “Tracking small targets in heavy-tailed clutter using amplitude information,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 314 — 329, 2010.
  73. P. Tkalich, P. Venugopalan, A. P. R. Karanam, P. Zemskyy, K. R. Durairaju, O. Nesterov, T. M. Sin, S. Y. Liong, C. W. Chang, and E. S. Chan, “Real-time monitoring and forecasting system for coastal zones,” COMPASS 2008, 2008.
  74. A. Mallawaarachchi, S. H. Ong, M. Chitre, and E. Taylor, “Spectrogram denoising and automated extraction of the fundamental frequency variation of dolphin whistles,” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 124, no. 2, pp. 1159–1170, 2008. [ .pdf  ]
  75. M. A. Chitre, S. Shahabudeen, and M. Stojanovic, “Underwater acoustic communications and networking: Recent advances and future challenges,” Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 103–116, 2008. [ .pdf  ]
  76. J. R. Potter, “Underwater sonar: Plenty of new twists to an old tale,” Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 68–74, 2008. [ .pdf  ]
  77. M. A. Chitre, “A high-frequency warm shallow water acoustic communications channel model and measurements,” The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America, vol. 122, pp. 2580–2586, November 2007. [ .pdf  ]
  78. P. D. Deshpande, V. Pallayil, and S. Teo, “Effect of biofouling on acoustic signals,” The Journal of Marine Science and Environment, August 2007. [ .pdf  ]
  79. J. Potter, M. Thillet, C. Douglas, M. Chitre, Z. Doborzynski, and P. Seekings, “Visual and Passive Acoustic Marine Mammal Observations and High-Frequency Seismic Source Characteristics Recorded During a Seismic Survey,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 32, pp. 469–483, April 2007. [ .pdf  ]
  80. O. Wurl, J. R. Potter, J. P. Obbard, and C. Durville, “New trends in the sampling and analysis of atmospheric persistent organic pollutants over the open ocean,” Air Pollution Research Advances, ed. Corin G. Bodine, 2007. [ .pdf  ]
  81. M. A. Chitre, J. R. Potter, and S. Ong, “Viterbi Decoding of Convolutional Codes in Symmetric α -Stable Noise,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 2230–2233, 2007. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  82. O. Wurl, J. R. Potter, C. Durville, and J. P. Obbard, “Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) over the open Indian Ocean,” Atmospheric Environment, vol. 40, pp. 5558–5565, September 2006. [ .pdf  ]
  83. O. Wurl, J. R. Potter, J. P. Obbard, and C. Durville, “Persistent organic pollutants in the equatorial atmosphere over the open Indian Ocean,” Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 40, pp. 1454–1461, March 2006. [ .pdf  ]
  84. M. Chitre, J. Potter, and S.-H. Ong, “Optimal and Near-Optimal Signal Detection in Snapping Shrimp Dominated Ambient Noise,” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 497–503, 2006. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  85. T. B. Koay, J. R. Potter, V. Pallayil, and E. T. Tan, “PANDA: A Rapidly Deployable, Self-Recovering Shallow Water Acquisition Platform,” MTS Sea Technology Magazine, 2002. [ .pdf  ]
  86. A. A. Pack, L. M. Herman, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, and B. K. Branstetter, “The object behind the echo: Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) perceive object shape globally through echolocation,” Behavioural Processes, vol. 58, pp. 1–26, 2002. [ .pdf  ]
  87. M. J. Buckingham, J. R. Potter, and C. Epifanio, “Acoustic imaging,” Pour La Science, French Edition of Scientific American, vol. 32, pp. 54–57, 2001.
  88. J. R. Potter, “Noise sources in the sea,” Pour La Science, French Edition of Scientific American, vol. 32, pp. 22–23, 2001.
  89. J. R. Potter, B. Uscinski, and T. Akal, “Random focussing of sound into spatially-coherent regions,” Wave Propagation in Random Media, 2000. [ .pdf  ]
  90. J. R. Potter and M. A. Chitre, “Ambient noise imaging in warm shallow seas; second-order moment and model-based imaging algorithms,” The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America, vol. 106, pp. 3201–3210, December 1999. [ DOI  | .pdf  ]
  91. C. L. Epifanio, J. R. Potter, G. B. Deane, M. L. Readhead, and M. J. Buckingham, “Imaging in the ocean with ambient noise: the ORB experiments,” The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America, vol. 106, pp. 3211–3225, December 1999. [ .pdf  ]
  92. E. Douaze, E. Delory, J. R. Potter, and E. A. Taylor, “Modeling animal FM tones using a cubic spline interpolation,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 105, no. 2, p. 993, 1999.
  93. T. W. Lim and J. R. Potter, “Pop-up ambient noise data acquisition (PANDA) system,” Marine Technology Society Journal, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 45–54, 1999.
  94. J. R. Potter, E. Taylor, and G. Sedun, “Smartbuoy for coastal oceanography,” SEA TECHNOLOGY, vol. 39, pp. 29+, February 1998.
  95. M. J. Buckingham, J. R. Potter, and C. L. Epifanio, “Seeing underwater with background noise,” Scientific American, vol. 274, pp. 86–90, February 1996. [ .pdf  ]

Keynote, Plenary and Invited Conference Talks

  1. M. Chitre, “Doing more with less-effective use of limited acoustic bandwidth” in Breaking the Surface 2024, (Biograd na Moru, Croatia), 30 September 2024. (Invited) [ http | pdf ]
  2. M. Chitre, “Frugal communication: Strategies to work with limited bandwidth” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2024), (Sestri Levante, Italy), 5 September 2024. (Keynote) [ http ]
  3. M. Chitre, “Connectivity with Confidence: Acoustic Communication and Navigation in Practice” in The Marine Robotics School 2023, (CSIR – National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa, India), 20-25 November 2023. (Invited) [ http ]
  4. H. Vishnu, “Passive acoustic monitoring of marine-mammal biodiversity in noisy waters” in The IEEE International Conference on Marine Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICMAIL 2023), (Taipei, Taiwan), 3-4 September 2023. (Keynote) [ http ]
  5. Y. M. Too, “Denoising Biological Soundscapes using Machine Learning” in The IEEE International Conference on Marine Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICMAIL 2023), (Taipei, Taiwan), 3-4 September 2023. (Keynote) [ http ]
  6. M. Chitre, “The role of differentiable physics-based models in ocean acoustics” in SeaAI – The 10th Haifa Conference on Marine Sciences, (Haifa, Israel), 20 June 2023. (Keynote) [ http ]
  7. M. Chitre, “Why does my acoustic modem perform so poorly today?” in The 16th International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems (WUWNet’22), (Boston, USA), 15 November 2022. (Keynote) [ http ]
  8. M. Chitre, “Can machines learn to communicate underwater?” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2022), (Lerici, Italy), 1 September 2022. (Keynote) [ http ]
  9. M. Chitre, “Unusual suspects: A tale of discovery of less known, but critical, challenges in underwater communication,” in Autonomous Robotics Research Center Seminar Series (AARC Seminar Series – Webinar), 25 May 2022. (Invited) [ http ]
  10. M. Chitre, G. Deane, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, H. Vishnu and H. Johnson, “Can low-cost robots help us understand ice-ocean interactions leading to global sea level rise?,” in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022), 23 May 2022. (Invited). [ http ]
  11. G. Deane, Hari Vishnu and M. Chitre, “Bubble effects on upper ocean acoustics under wind-driven seas,” in ASA meeting, Dec 2021. (Invited). [ http | DOI ]
  12. M. Chitre, “Variability in Shallow Water Communication Performance Near a Busy Shipping Lane,” in 5th Underwater Communications and Networking Conference (UComms 2021), USA, 31 Aug 2021. (Invited). [ http ]
  13. G. Deane, O. Glowacki, Hari Vishnu, D. Stokes, M. Chitre, H. Johnson, J. Tegowski, “Recent Progress in Monitoring Tidewater Glaciers with Passive Cryoacoustics,” in 6th Underwater Acoustics conference and exhibition, Greece, June 2021. (Invited). [ http ]
  14. M. Chitre, “Underwater Communication for Marine Robotics: You can’t live without it, you can’t live with it!,” in NSF BLUE-UCI workshop (Marine Robotics & AI for IoUT session), USA, 14 Jan 2021. (Keynote). [ http ]
  15. M. Chitre, “Underwater Acoustics in the age of differentiable and probabilistic programming,” in UComms 2020 webinar, 4 December 2020. (Invited). [ http ]
  16. M. Chitre, “Agent-based network stack architectures and underwater networks,” in 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networking and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS 2019), Goa, India, 16-19 December 2019. (Keynote). [ http ]
  17. M. Chitre, “Communication & navigation systems for resident deep-sea marine robots,” in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019), Montreal, Canada, May 2019. (Invited). [ http ]
  18. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Detecting OSDM Signals in Sparse Channels and Snapping Shrimp Noise,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2018), (Lerici, Italy), August 2018. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  19. R. Gao and M. Chitre, “On distributed processing for underwater cooperative localization,” in 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2017), (Jeju, South Korea), July 2017. (Invited). [ DOI | .pdf ]
  20. M. Chitre, “Cooperative navigation of unmanned underwater vehicles,” in Korean Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (KUUV), (Seoul, Korea), May 2017. (Plenary).
  21. V. Pallayil, “Seabed characterisation using acoustic technology and autonomous platforms,” in Underwater System Technology, (Penang, Malaysia), December 2016. (Keynote).
  22. P. Anjangi and M. Chitre, “Experimental Demonstration of Super-TDMA: A MAC Protocol Exploiting Large Propagation Delays in Underwater Acoustic Networks,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2016), (Lerici, Italy), September 2016. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  23. P. Anjangi and M. Chitre, “Unslotted Transmission Schedules for Practical Underwater Acoustic Multihop Grid Networks with Large Propagation Delays,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2016), (Lerici, Italy), September 2016. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  24. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Uncoded Acoustic Communication in Shallow Waters with Bursty Impulsive Noise,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2016), (Lerici, Italy), September 2016. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  25. A. Mahmood, V. Hari, and M. Chitre, “Model-Based Signal Detection in Snapping Shrimp Noise,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2016), (Lerici, Italy), September 2016. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  26. V. Pallayil and N. Chotiros, “Auv-based seabed characterisation using a light weight towed array system,” in Offshore Technology Conference Asia (OTC Asia 2016), (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), March 2016. (Invited).
  27. T. B. Koay, C. N. Ong, and M. Chitre, “New Smart Water Assessment Network – Improving Spatiotemporal coverage in daily sensing,” in Clean Environment Regulatory Roundtable, CleanEnviro Summit Singapore, (Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.), 12-13 July 2016. (Invited).
  28. M. Chitre, “Monitoring and Remediating Polluted Water: Robotic sensors for real-time water management,” in World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions, (Tianjin, China), 26-28 June 2016. (Invited).
  29. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, A. Z. H. Ho, and M. Chitre, “Dolphin “Echo-Imaging”: Recent Advances Investigating the Dolphin’s Abilities to Recognize Shapes through Echolocation,” in 12th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics (ICTCA 2015), (Hangzhou, China), October 2015. (Invited).
  30. K. Pelekanakis and M. Chitre, “Autoregressive Modeling of Mobile Underwater Acoustic Communications Channels,” in 3rd Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition (UACE2015), (Chania, Greece), June 2015. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  31. V. Pallayil, M. Chitre, B. Kalyan, S. Suman, T. B. Koay, C. S. Chia, H. E. Teo, C. S. Lim, and T. Taher, “The Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge (SAUVC) : An Effort to Engage and Expose Young Engineers to Challenges of Underwater Robotics,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Genoa, Italy), May 2015. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  32. M. Chitre and M. Shaukat, “Bio-inspired algorithms for distributed control of small teams of low-cost aquatic robots,” in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2015 Workshop on Persistent Autonomy for Aquatic Robotics: the Role of Control and Learning in Single and Multi-Robot Systems, (Seattle, USA), May 2015. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  33. M. Chitre and G. Chua, “Modeling realistic underwater acoustic networks using experimental data,” in Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, (Pacific Grove, CA, USA), November 2014. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  34. M. Chitre, R. Bhatnagar, M. Ignatius, and S. Suman, “Baseband signal processing with UnetStack,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2014), (Sestri Levante, Italy), September 2014. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  35. M. Chitre and K. Pelekanakis, “Channel variability measurements in an underwater acoustic network,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2014), (Sestri Levante, Italy), September 2014. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  36. M. Chitre, “Rapid localization of underwater acoustic sources using mobile platforms,” in 2nd AAIB Underwater Search for Flight Recorders Workshop, (Singapore Aviation Academy, Singapore.), July 2014. (Invited).
  37. M. Chitre, “Terrain-aided underwater navigation for small teams of low-cost AUVs,” in CENSAM 7th Annual Workshop, (ERC Auditorium, NUS UTown, Create, Singapore.), June 2014. (Invited).
  38. C. L. Ng, T. B. Koay, S. Senft-Grupp, M. Chitre, and H. F. Hemond, “Real-time optical sensing device for in situ 3-D chemical mapping,” in Singapore International Water Week, (Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.), June 2014. (Invited).
  39. M. Chitre and M. Shaukat, “Bioinspired algorithms for distributed control in small teams of autonomous underwater vehicles,” in The 9th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems 2013 (CAMS 2013), September 2013. (Plenary). [ .pdf ]
  40. P. Venugopalan and P.Chotiros, “A robust and self-calibrating sediment classification system using an AUV-based short array and opportunistic source,” in 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics, (Corfu Island, Greece), June 2013. (Invited).
  41. M. Chitre, “Passive underwater acoustic imaging in warm coastal waters,” in 32nd International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging (AI32), (Singapore), May 2013. (Invited).
  42. M. Chitre, “Seeing with noise — an overview of underwater ambient noise imaging,” in Marine Acoustics Society of Japan Open Lecture, (Japan), March 2013. (Invited).
  43. M. Chitre, “Teamwork among marine robots — advances and challenges,” in WMR2013 – Workshop on Marine Robotics, (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain), February 2013. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  44. A. Mahmood, M. Chitre, and M. Armand, “Improving PSK performance in snapping shrimp noise with rotated constellations,” in WUWNet’12: 7th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems, (Los Angeles, USA), pp. 1–8, November 2012. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  45. M. Chitre, “What is the impact of propagation delay on network throughput?,” in Underwater Communications: Channel Modelling & Validation, (Italy), September 2012. (Keynote).
  46. M. Chitre, A. Mahmood, and M. Armand, “Coherent communications in snapping-shrimp dominated ambient noise environments,” in Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition, vol. 131, p. 3277, May 2012. (Invited). [ DOI ]
  47. M. Chitre, “Sensor networks for marine environmental monitoring – sensing strategies and technology components,” in CENSAM 5th Annual Workshop, (National University of Singapore, Singapore.), January 2012. (Invited).
  48. S. Li, D. Wang, X. Wang, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, N. Fernando, E. A. Taylor, P. J. Seekings, W. Lin, and J. Chen, “Presbycusis in a stranded Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis)?,” in The Third Symposium of Cetacean Research and Conservation Cross Taiwan Strait, Nanjing, China, Nov 2012. (Invited).
  49. P. Venugopalan, M. A. Chitre, K. C. Unnikrishnan, and K. Subash, “Digital thin line towed arrays:a low cost sensing solution for small autonomous underwater vehicles,” in 4th International Conference and Exhibition. Underwater Acoustic Measurements:Technologies and Results, (Greece), June 2011. (Invited).
  50. M. Chitre, “A holistic approach to underwater sensor network design,” in Proceedings of Naval Technology Seminar (NTS) 2011, (Changi Exhibition Centre, Singapore), May 2011. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  51. P. Venugopalan, M. A. Chitre, K. Subash, A. R. Raichur, M. Ignatius, K. C. Unnikrishnan, S. P. Tan, and R. C. Naveen, “Ambient Noise Imaging:Experiments with ROMANIS,” in ICTCA 2011- 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Computational Acoustics, Taipei, April 2011. (Invited).
  52. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, “Biosonar research – from KBMML to ARL,” in 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (Invited paper), Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, United States, Dec 2011. (Invited).
  53. M. Chitre, “Teamwork among AUVs,” in AUV Sensors & Systems Workshop, (Kona, Hawaii, USA), November 2010. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  54. K. Pelekanakis and M. Chitre, “Comparison of sparse adaptive filters for underwater acoustic channel equalization/estimation,” in IEEE ICCS’10, Singapore, pp. 395–399, November 2010. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  55. M. Chitre, “Acoustic sensing in snapping shrimp dominated environments,” in Proceedings of 20th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2010, (Sydney, Australia), August 2010. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  56. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt and M. A. Chitre, “Do dolphins use synthetic aperture during echolocation shape perception?,” in 5th Animal Sonar Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 2009. (Invited).
  57. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M. Chitre, P. Seekings, and G. Abel, “Acoustics of shape recognition by a dolphin in a cross-modal matching-to-sample paradigm,” in ASA-EAA Joint Conference Acoustics’08, Paris, France, vol. 123, p. 3361, 2008. (Invited).
  58. M. Chitre, S. Shahabudeen, L. Freitag, and M. Stojanovic, “Recent advances in underwater acoustic communications & networking,” in OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE, 2008. (Invited). [ .pdf ]
  59. J. R. Potter, “Shallow water ambient noise imaging camera developed at the ARL,” in Defence R&D Seminar, Singapore, May 23 2006. (Keynote).

Conference Articles and Talks

  1. O. Glowacki, G. Deane, D. Stokes, P. Lewinska, M. Chitre, H. Vishnu, M. Moskalik, D. Maniktala, H. Johnson and E. Weidner, “A Multi-Method Observation of Glacier Frontal Ablation and Related Processes in Hornsund Fjord, Svalbard,” in AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, D.C., 12 December 2024. [ http ]
  2. E. Weidner, G. Deane, F. Straneo, H. Vishnu and M. Chitre, “Broadband echosounder derived measurements of 3D geometry of a subglacial discharge plume in Hornsund Fjord,” in AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, D.C., 9 December 2024. [ http ]
  3. H. Johnson, G. Deane, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, M. Chitre, H. Vishnu, E. Weidner and K. Gollamudi, “Working Towards Passive Acoustic Measurements of Submarine Melting at Marine-terminating Glaciers,” in AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, D.C., 11 December 2024. [ http ]
  4. H. Vishnu, T. Y. Lin, M. Chitre, B. Kalyan and E. J. Venables, “Estimating Floating Ice Coverage in Tidewater Glacier Bays Automatically from Aerial Imagery,” in MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2024, Halifax, 23-26 September 2024. [ http | pdf ]
  5. T. B. Koay, H. Vishnu, A. Ho, Y. C. Ng, Y. S. Wu, S. Hexeberg and M. Chitre, “Cloud-enabled passive acoustic monitoring array for real-time detection of marine mammals,” in MTS/IEEE OCEANS 2024, Halifax, 23-26 September 2024. [ http | pdf ]
  6. M. Chitre, “Generating Multichannel Colored Noise For Underwater Acoustic Simulations,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2024), Sestri Levante, Italy, 3-5 September 2024. [ http | pdf ]
  7. R. Agrawal, K. Nambiar, P. B. Sujit and M. Chitre, “Multi-Agent Adaptive Sampling for Bathymetry Mapping,” in IEEE Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA@40), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 23-26 September 2024. (Accepted) [ http ]
  8. H. Johnson, G. Deane, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, M. Chitre, H. Vishnu and E. Weidner, “Acoustic observations of individual bubble release events from melting glacier ice in an arctic fjord,” in ASA Meetings 2024, Ottawa, Canada, 13-17 May 2024. [ DOI | http ]
  9. R. Agrawal, K. Nambiar, B. Chhaglani, P. B. Sujit and M. Chitre, “OAS-GPUCB: On-the-way Adaptive Sampling Using GPUCB for Bathymetry Mapping,” in 2024 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 14-18 October 2024. [ http ]
  10. Y. M. Too, H. Vishnu, M. Chitre, B. Kalyan, L. Peng and R. Mishra, “A Feasibility Study on Novel View Synthesis of Underwater Structures using Neural Radiance Fields,” in OCEANS 2024 IEEE/MTS, Singapore, 14-18 April 2024. [ http | DOI | pdf ]
  11. R. Mishra, M. Chitre, B. Kalyan, Y. M. Too, H. Vishnu and L. Peng, “An Architecture for Virtual Tethering of ROVs,” in OCEANS 2024 IEEE/MTS, Singapore, 14-18 April 2024. [ http | DOI | pdf ]
  12. E. Weidner, G. Deane, H. Vishnu, M. Chitre, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, H. Johnson, A. L. Boyer and M. Alford, “Broadband acoustic characterization of subglacial discharge plumes and mixing dynamics in a glacial fjord,” in Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024, New Orleans, USA, 18-23 February 2024. [ http ]
  13. H. Johnson, G. Deane, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, E. Weidner, M. Chitre and H. Vishnu, “Direct Measurements of Submarine Melting of Floating Growlers,” in Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024, New Orleans, USA, 18-23 February 2024. [ http ]
  14. D. Green, J. DellaMorte, J. DellaMorte, M. Chitre, C. Bernstein and D. Sternlicht, “Channel Impulse Response Analysis and Simulation for Acoustic Modem Experiments in the Singapore Straits,” in OCEANS 2023 – MTS/IEEE U.S. Gulf Coast, Biloxi, MS, USA, 25-28 September 2023. [ DOI | pdf ]
  15. T. Arikan, A. Weiss, H. Vishnu, G. Deane, A. Singer and G. Wornell, “An architecture for passive joint localization and environment learning in shallow-water underwater acoustic settings,” in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 153, A375, 184th Acoustic Society of America Meeting, Chicago, 8-12 May 2023. [ http | DOI ]
  16. D. Kari, A. Singer, H. Vishnu and A. Weiss, “Underwater acoustic localization via gradient-based optimization,” in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 153, A177, 184th Acoustic Society of America Meeting, Chicago, 8-12 May 2023. [ http | DOI ]
  17. B. Kalyan and M. Chitre, “Concept Of Operations for Collaborative Human Robot Inspection and Intervention System in Challenging Underwater Environments,” in Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, USA, 1-4 May 2023. [ DOI | pdf ]
  18. T. Arikan, A. Weiss, H. Vishnu, G. Deane, A. Singer, and G. Wornell, “Learning Environmental Structure Using Acoustic Probes with a Deep Neural Network,” in The IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, (Rhodes Island, Greece), 4-10 June 2023. [ http | DOI | .pdf ]
  19. S. Hexeberg, H. Vishnu, T. B. Koay, A. Ho, Y. Wu, M. Chitre, K. Tun and K. Lim, “Acoustic detector for multiple vocalizing marine mammal individuals,” in OCEANS 2023 IEEE/MTS – Limerick, 5-8 June 2023. [ http | .pdf ]
  20. M. Chitre, “Differentiable Ocean Acoustic Propagation Modeling,” in OCEANS 2023 IEEE/MTS – Limerick, 5-8 June 2023. [ http | .pdf ]
  21. L. Y. Peng, H. Vishnu, M. Chitre, Y. M. Too, B. Kalyan and R. Mishra, “Improved Image-based Pose Regressor Models for Underwater Environments,” in The IEEE Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Symposium 2022 (IEEE AUV 2022), (Singapore), 19 September – 21 September 2022. [ http ]
  22. J. W. Choi, G. Chowdhary, A. C. Singer, H. Vishnu, A. Weiss, G. Wornell and G. Deane, “Online Segmented Recursive Least-Squares for Multipath Doppler Tracking,” in The 6th Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2022), (Lerici, Italy), 30 August – 1 September 2022. [ DOI | http | .pdf ]
  23. K. Li and M. Chitre, “Physics-aided Data-driven Modal Ocean Acoustic Propagation Modeling,” in The 24th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA 2022), (Gyeongju, Korea), 24-28 October 2022. [ http | .pdf ]
  24. M. Chitre and K. Li, “Physics-informed Data-driven Communication Performance Prediction for Underwater Vehicles,” in The 6th Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2022), (Lerici, Italy), 30 August – 1 September 2022. [ http | .pdf ]
  25. S. Wu, P. Anjangi and M. Chitre, “Adaptive Modulation and Feedback Strategy for an Underwater Acoustic Link,” in The 6th Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2022), (Lerici, Italy), 30 August – 1 September 2022. [ http | .pdf ]
  26. H. Johnson, G. Deane, D. Stokes, O. Glowacki, M. Moskalik, M. Chitre and H. Vishnu, “Understanding the underwater noise of melting glacier ice,” in International Symposium on Maritime Glaciers – International Glaciological Society conference, Alaska, Jun 2022. [ http | .pdf ]
  27. H. Vishnu, V. R. Soorya, M. Chitre, T.B. Koay, A. Z. Ho, Y. M. Too, K. Tun and K. Lim, “Acoustic detection of marine mammal vocalizations in snapping-shrimp infested noisy waters,” in The 9th International Workshop On Detection, Classification, Localization, And Density Estimation Of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics conference (DCLDE), Oahu, Hawaii, Mar 2022. [ http | .pdf ]
  28. A. Z. Ho, T.B. Koay, Y. Wu, H. Vishnu and K. Tun, “A Small Cloud Enabled Passive Acoustic Monitoring Array for Real-time detection of vocalising Marine Megafauna,” in The 9th International Workshop On Detection, Classification, Localization, And Density Estimation Of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics conference (DCLDE), Oahu, Hawaii, Mar 2022. [ http | .pdf ]
  29. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, A. Z. Ho and H. Vishnu, “Sing Me a Song! – Trials and tribulations of a first attempt to record humpback whale mother-calf pairs in the DR with a new version of a synchronised video/audio array,” in The 9th International Workshop On Detection, Classification, Localization, And Density Estimation Of Marine Mammals Using Passive Acoustics conference (DCLDE), Oahu, Hawaii, Mar 2022. [ http | .pdf ]
  30. L. Peng and M. Chitre, “Regressing Poses from Monocular Images in an Underwater Environment,” in OCEANS 2022 – Chennai, 2022, Feb 2022. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  31. H. Vishnu, G. Deane, M. Chitre, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, M. Moskalik and H. Johnson, “Spatial variation in acoustic field due to submarine melting in glacial bays,” (Accepted) in ASA Meeting, Dec 2021 [ http ]
  32. H. Johnson, G. Deane, D. Stokes, O. Glowacki, M. Moskalik, M. Chitre, Hari Vishnu, “Predicting the acoustic energy radiated by melting glacier ice,” (Accepted) in ASA Meeting, Dec 2021 [ http ]
  33. G. Deane, H. Vishnu, M. Chitre, “Bubble effects on upper ocean acoustics under wind-driven seas,” in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 150, A25, Nov 2021. [ DOI ]
  34. H. Johnson, G. Deane, D. Stokes, O. Glowacki, M. Moskalik, M. Chitre, Hari Vishnu, “Understanding the acoustic signal of submarine melting of glacier ice,” (Accepted) in Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022, Feb 2022
  35. A. Chaudary, R. Mishra, B. Kalyan and M. Chitre, “Development of an Underwater Simulator using Unity3D and Robot Operating System,” in Global OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto | Tethys, September 20-23, 2021 [ .pdf ]
  36. K. Li and M. Chitre, “Ocean Acoustic Propagation Modeling Using Scientific Machine Learning,” in Global OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto | Tethys, September 20-23, 2021 [ .pdf ]
  37. S. Wu, M. Chitre and P. Anjangi, “Monte Carlo Tree Search and Delay-Aware Feedback Adaptation for Underwater Acoustic Link Tuning,” in Global OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto | Tethys, September 20-23, 2021 [ .pdf ]
  38. H. Johnson, H. Vishnu, G. Deane, P. J. Tuckman, O. Glowacki, and M. Moskalik, “Depth dependence of acoustic signals produced by bubble release events in melting glacier ice,” in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America – Acoustics Virtually Everywhere, vol. 148, pp. 2483–2483, December 2020. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  39. H. Vishnu, G. Deane, M. Chitre, D. Stokes, and O. Glowacki, “Vertical line array measurements of the sound radiated by melting glaciers in Hornsund Fjord,” in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America – Acoustics Virtually Everywhere, vol 148, pp. 2483–2483, December 2020. [ DOI | .pdf | http ]
  40. K. Li and M. Chitre, “Informative Path Planning for Acoustic Source Localization with Environmental Uncertainties,” in OCEANS2020 Student Poster Competition, Oct 2020. (Poster). [ .pdf ]
  41. G. Deane, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, M. Moskalik, M. Chitre, and H. Vishnu, “Measuring tidewater glacier melt rates with underwater noise,” in Ocean Sciences meeting, (San Diego), February 2020 [ http ]
  42. G. Deane, O. Glowacki, D. Stokes, M. Moskalik, M. Chitre, and C. M. Powell, “Measuring tidewater glacier melt rates with underwater noise,” in American Geophysical Union, (San Francisco), December 2019. [ http ]
  43. K. Li and M. Chitre, “Informative Path Planning for Source Localization,” in International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) Workshop on Sound Source Localization and Its Applications for Robots, (Montreal), May 2019. (Poster). [ .pdf ]
  44. L. J. Wong, V. Pallayil, P. Muthuvel, K. Amudha, B. Kalyan, H. Vishnu, M. A. Atmanand, and M. Chitre, “Acoustic Backscattering Properties of Polymetallic Nodules from the Indian Ocean Basin: Results from a Laboratory Measurement,” in 2019 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), (Kaohsiung, Taiwan), April 2019. [ DOI|.pdf ]
  45. R. Gao and M. Chitre, “Path Planning for Bathymetry-aided Underwater Navigation,” in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV 2018), (Porto, Portugal), November 2018. [ .pdf ]
  46. R. Mishra, M. Chitre, and S. Swarup, “Informed Sampling and Adaptive Monitoring using Sparse Gaussian Processes,” in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV 2018), (Porto, Portugal), November 2018. [ .pdf ]
  47. V. Hari, V. Robert, B. Kalyan, and M. Chitre, “A semi-supervised learning approach to polymetallic nodule parameter modeling,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Charleston), October 2018. [ .pdf ]
  48. C. Chi, V. Hari, and M. Chitre, “A Metric for Selecting Waveforms of Multi-User Wideband Active Sonars,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Charleston), October 2018. [ .pdf ]
  49. C. Chi, V. Hari, and T. B. Koay, “Resolving Velocity Ambiguity Based on Robust Chinese Remainder Theorem for Multi-Frequency Pulse-to-Pulse Coherent Doppler Sonar,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Charleston), October 2018.
  50. B. Kalyan, R. Mishra, V. Hari, and M. Chitre, “An Information Theoretic Approach to Polymetallic Nodule Exploration using AUVs,” in Underwater Mining Conference (UMC 2018), (Bergen, Norway), September 2018.
  51. G. Chua, M. Chitre, and G. Deane, “Impact of Persistent Bubbles on Underwater Acoustic Communication,” in Underwater Communications Networking (Ucomms 2018), (Lerici, Italy), August 2018. [ .pdf ]
  52. P. Anjangi and M. Chitre, “Model-based Data-driven Learning Algorithm for Tuning an Underwater Acoustic Link,” in Underwater Communications Networking (Ucomms 2018), (Lerici, Italy), August 2018. [ .pdf ]
  53. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Viterbi Detection of PSK Signals in Markov Impulsive Noise,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Kobe, Japan), May 2018. [ .pdf ]
  54. Y. M. Too, A. Mahmood, and M. Chitre, “Feasibility of using acoustic scintillation due to underwater turbulence to measure flow speed,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Kobe, Japan), May 2018. [ .pdf ]
  55. C. Chi, H. Vishnu, and T. B. Koay, “Improving Broadband Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler with Orthogonal Coprime Pulse Pairs and Robust Chinese Remainder Theorem,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Kobe, Japan), May 2018. [ .pdf ]
  56. S. Ahmed, H. Vishnu, and M. Chitre, “Monostatic Sonar Performance Using Pulse Compression Waveforms,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Kobe, Japan), May 2018. [ .pdf ]
  57. R. Mishra, M. Chitre, and S. Swarup, “Online Informative Path Planning using Sparse Gaussian Processes,” in OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE, (Kobe, Japan), May 2018. [ .pdf ]
  58. Y. T. Lin and P. Venugopalan, “Geoacoustic inversion using autonomous underwater vehicles,” in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 143, p. 1798, Apr 2018. [ DOI ]
  59. V. Pallayil, “Ceramic and fibre optic hydrophone as sensors for lightweight arrays – a comparative study,” in OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE, (Anchorage, Alaska), September 2017. [ http | .pdf ]
  60. V. Kalaiarasu, V. Hari, A. Mahmood, and M. Chitre, “Predicting underwater acoustic network variability using machine learning techniques,” in OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE, (Anchorage, Alaska), September 2017. [ http | .pdf ]
  61. V. Hari, B. Kalyan, and M. Chitre, “Spatial modeling and uncertainty characterization of polymetallic nodules in the Clarion-Clipperton zone,” in OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE, (Anchorage, Alaska), September 2017. [ http | .pdf ]
  62. A. Mahmood, M. Chitre, and V. Hari, “Spatial Ambient Noise Inversion Using a Single Hydrophone,” in OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE, (Anchorage, Alaska), September 2017. [ http | .pdf ]
  63. B. Kalyan, V. Ganesan, M. Chitre, and V. Hari, “Optimal Point Planning for Abundance Estimation of Polymetallic Nodules,” in OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE, (Anchorage, Alaska), September 2017. [ http | .pdf ]
  64. E. Brekke and M. Chitre, “The Multiple Hypothesis Tracker Derived from Finite Set Statistics,” in Fusion 2017, (Xi’an, China), July 2017. [ .pdf ]
  65. C. Chi and P. Venugopalan, “Noise cancellation for an autonomous underwater vehicle‐towed thin line array through recursive adaptive filtering,” in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 141, p. 3925, June 2017. [ DOI ]
  66. L. J. Wong, B. Kalyan, M. Chitre, and V. Hari, “Polymetallic Nodules Abundance Estimation using Sidescan Sonar: A Quantitative Approach using Artificial Neural Network,” in OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE, (Aberdeen, UK), June 2017. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  67. R. Mishra and M. Chitre, “Modelling of an AUV with Voith-Schneider Vector Thruster,” in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV 2016), (Tokyo, Japan), pp. 355–359, November 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  68. R. Gao and M. Chitre, “Cooperative Multi-AUV localization using distributed extended information filter,” in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV 2016), (Tokyo, Japan), pp. 206–212, November 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  69. Y. M. Too and M. Chitre, “). Detecting the direction of arrival and time of arrival of impulsive transient signals,” in OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE, (Monterey, CA, USA), September 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  70. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Robust Communication in Bursty Impulsive Noise and Rayleigh Block Fading,” in WUWNet ’16, (Shanghai, China), September 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  71. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Temporal Analysis of Stationary Markov α-sub-Gaussian Noise,” in OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE, (Monterey, CA, USA), September 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  72. A. Das and V. Pallayil, “Analysis of effective signal design for active sensing of undersea objects/bottoms in tropical shallow waters,” in OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE, (Shanghai, China), April 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  73. R. Agrawal, M. Chitre, and A. Mahmood, “Design of an Address Assignment and Resolution Protocol for Underwater Networks,” in OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE, (Shanghai, China), April 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  74. T. B. Koay, A. Raste, Y. H. Tay, Y. Wu, A. Mahadevan, S. P. Tan, J. Lim, M. Chitre, and C. N. Ong, “Near Persistent Interactive Monitoring In Reservoirs Using NUSwan — Preliminary Field Results,” in Water Conventions, Singapore International Water Week, (Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.), 10-14 July 2016. [ .pdf ]
  75. E. Matrai, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, A. Tse, and A. Z. H. Ho, “Horizontal and Vertical Echoic Angular Resolution in the Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus),” in Society for Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference, (San Francisco, USA), December 2015. (Poster Presentation). [ .pdf ]
  76. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, A. Z. H. Ho, V. N. Hari, M. Chitre, E. Matrai, and A. Tse, “Buzz that Rod! Acoustic Analysis and Patterns of the Echolocation Signals of a Blindfolded Bottlenose Dolphin Performing a Horizontal and Vertical Angular Resolution Task,” in Society for Marine Mammalogy Biennial Conference, (San Francisco, USA), December 2015. (Poster Presentation). [ .pdf ]
  77. P. Anjangi and M. Chitre, “Design and Implementation of Super-TDMA: A MAC Protocol Exploiting Large Propagation Delays for Underwater Acoustic Networks,” in WUWNet’15, (Washington DC, USA), October 2015. (Best Experimental Student Paper Award). [ DOI | .pdf ]
  78. V. Ganesan and M. Chitre, “Self-Assembling Robots in an Underwater Environment,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Washington DC, USA), October 2015. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  79. K. C. Unnikrishnan and V. N. Hari, “A vector sensing scheme for underwater acoustics based on particle velocity measurements,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Washington DC, USA), October 2015. [ .pdf ]
  80. M. Shaukat and M. Chitre, “On Social Behaviours and Sampling Times in Multi-Agent Source Localization,” in The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics (SWARM 2015), (Kyoto, Japan), October 2015. [ .pdf ]
  81. Y. M. Too, M. Chitre, V. Pallayil, Anshu, and G. Barbastathis, “Coral reef monitoring using ambient noise,” in CENSAM 8th Annual Workshop, (UTown Auditorium 1@ Town Plaza, CREATE Campus, NUS, Singapore.), 29 June 2015. (Poster Presentation).
  82. T. Taher, V. Viswanathan, and M. Chitre, “An Intelligent Instrument for Ocean Monitoring,” in CENSAM 8th Annual Workshop, (UTown Auditorium 1@ Town Plaza, CREATE Campus, NUS, Singapore.), 29 June 2015. (Poster Presentation).
  83. C. L. Ng, S. Senft-Grupp, H. F. Hemond, T. B. Koay, M. Chitre, and C. Harvey, “Safeguarding Water Resources with a Multi-mode Sensing Technology,” in CENSAM 8th Annual Workshop, (UTown Auditorium 1@ Town Plaza, CREATE Campus, NUS, Singapore.), 29 June 2015. (Poster Presentation).
  84. V. N. Hari, M. Chitre, Y. M. Too, and V. Pallayil, “Robust passive diver detection in shallow ocean,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Genoa, Italy), May 2015. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  85. A. Mahmood and M. Chitre, “Modeling Colored Impulsive Noise by Markov Chains and Alpha-Stable Processes,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Genoa, Italy), May 2015. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  86. P. Anjangi and M. Chitre, “Scheduling Algorithm with Transmission Power Control for Random Underwater Acoustic Networks,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Genoa, Italy), May 2015. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  87. M. Shaukat and M. Chitre, “Bio-inspired practicalities: Collective behaviour using passive neighbourhood sensing,” in Autonomous Agents & Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), (Istanbul), May 2015. [ http | .pdf ]
  88. M. Shaukat and M. Chitre, “Adaptive sampling and collective behaviour in a small team of AUVs for a source localization problem,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Genoa, Italy), May 2015. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  89. K. Pelekanakis and M. Chitre, “Low-complexity subband equalization of mobile underwater acoustic channels,” in OCEANS 2015 MTS/IEEE, (Genoa, Italy), May 2015. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  90. P. N. Chotiros and V. Pallayil, “Seabed Characterization Using Acoustic Communication Signals on an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle With a Thin-Line Towed Array,” in Naval Future Force Science and Technology Expo, (Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington DC), February 2015. (Poster Presentation). [ .pdf ]
  91. K. Pelekanakis, M. Chitre, L. S. Kumar, and Y. L. Guan, “Performance of channel coding and equalization for acoustic telemetry along drill strings,” in IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS’14), (Macau, China), November 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  92. K. C. Unnikrishnan, V. Pallayil, and P. N. Chotiros, “Seabed characterisation using a low cost digital thin line array: Results from the Target and Reverberation Experiments 2013,” in 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, (Indianapolis, Indiana), 30 October 2014. [ .DOI ]
  93. Y. M. Too and M. Chitre, “Localization of impulsive sources in the ocean using the method of images,” in OCEANS 2014 MTS/IEEE, (St. John’s, Canada), September 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  94. R. Ahmed, M. Stojanovic, and M. Chitre, “Random linear packet coding for broadcast network,” in OCEANS 2014 MTS/IEEE, (St. John’s, Canada), September 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  95. M. Chitre, R. Bhatnagar, and W.-S. Soh, “UnetStack: an agent-based software stack and simulator for underwater networks,” in Proceedings of OCEANS 2014 MTS/IEEE, (St. John’s, Canada), September 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  96. K. Pelekanakis and M. Chitre, “A channel-estimate-based decision feedback equalizer robust under impulsive noise environments,” in Underwater Communications Networking (UComms 2014), (Sestri Levante, Italy), September 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  97. S. Lmai, M. Chitre, C. Laot, and S. Houcke, “TDMA-based MAC transmission schedules in multihop grid ad hoc underwater acoustic networks,” in Underwater Communications and Networking (UComms 2014), (Sestri Levante, Italy), September 2014. [ DOI ]
  98. E. Brekke, B. Kalyan, and M. Chitre, “A novel formulation of the bayes recursion for single-cluster filtering,” in Proceedings of IEEE Aerospace Conference, (Big Sky, MT, USA), Mar 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  99. Y. T. Tan, M. Chitre, and F. Hover, “Collaborative bathymetry-based localization of a team of autonomous underwater vehicles,” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2014), (Hong Kong, China), Jun 2014. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  100. Y. H. Eng and M. A. Chitre, “Roll control of an autonomous underwater vehicle using an internal rolling mass,” in Field and Service Robotics Conference (FSR 2013), (Brisbane, Australia), December 2013. [ .pdf ]
  101. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, E. Matrai, A. J. G. Bouchage, A. Z. H. Ho, A. Tse, K. Kwok, and M. A. Chitre, “Size almost Doesn’t Matter! Cross-Modal Matching of Complex Shapes Across Different Ratios and Sizes by a Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus),” in 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand), December 2013.
  102. A. Mahmood, M. Chitre, and M. Armand, “Maximum-likelihood detection performance of uncoded OFDM in impulsive noise,” in Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2013), 2013 IEEE, (Atlanta, GA, USA), December 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  103. S. Pai, S. Suman, Y. S. Wu, B. Kalyan, and M. Chitre, “Distributed software system architecture for autonomous launch and recovery system of autonomous underwater vehicles,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE, (San Diego), pp. 1–7, September 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  104. S. Suman, S. Pai, Y. S. Wu, B. Kalyan, and M. Chitre, “A path planning system for autonomous launch and recovery system of autonomous underwater vehicles,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE, (San Diego), pp. 1–7, September 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  105. J. L. Chew and M. Chitre, “Object detection with sector scanning sonar,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE, (San Diego), pp. 1–8, September 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  106. L. Fillinger, M. Chitre, and P.Venugopalan, “Passive diver detection in warm waters,” in 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustics, (Corfu Island, Greece), June 2013.
  107. T.-B. Koay and M. Chitre, “Energy-efficient path planning for fully propelled AUVs in congested coastal waters,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE Bergen, (Bergen, Norway), June 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  108. E. Brekke and M. Chitre, “Bayesian multi-hypothesis scan matching,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE Bergen, (Bergen, Norway), June 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  109. K. Pelekanakis and M. Chitre, “A class of affine projection filters that exploit sparseness under symmetric alpha-stable noise,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE Bergen, (Bergen, Norway), June 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  110. S. Shankar and M. Chitre, “Tuning an underwater communication link,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE Bergen, (Bergen, Norway), June 2013. [ .pdf ]
  111. M. Shaukat and M. Chitre, “A bio-inspired distributed approach for searching underwater acoustic source using a team of AUVs,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE Bergen, (Bergen, Norway), June 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  112. M. Chitre, I. Topor, R. Bhatnagar, and V. Pallayil, “Variability in link performance of an underwater acoustic network,” in OCEANS 2013 MTS/IEEE Bergen, (Bergen, Norway), June 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  113. Y. X. Ow, M. Chitre, and D. Rus, “The probe allocation problem,” in Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems (CIVTS), 2013 IEEE Symposium on, pp. 50–57, April 2013. [ DOI ]
  114. Y. X. Ow, M. Chitre, and D. Rus, “An approximate bus route planning algorithm,” in Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Transportation Systems (CIVTS), 2013 IEEE Symposium on, pp. 16–24, April 2013. [ DOI ]
  115. B. Kalyan and M. Chitre, “A feasibility analysis on using bathymetry for navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles,” in 28th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC’13), (Coimbra, Portugal), March 2013. [ http | .pdf ]
  116. Y. H. Eng, K. M. Teo, and M. A. Chitre, “Online system identification of the dynamics of an Autonomous Underwater vehicle,” in IEEE International Underwater Technology Symposium (UT), The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Mar 2013. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  117. E. Matrai, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, A. Tse, and J. Lee, “Shape consistency across normal and abstract objects in a cross-modal matching-to-sample study with an Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops aduncus),” in 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dec 2013.
  118. S. Li, D. Wang, X. Wang, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, N. Fernando, E. A. Taylor, W. Lin, J. Chen, and T. Ng, “Likely Age-related Hearing Loss (Presbycusis) in a Stranded Sousa chinensis (Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin),” in Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Corinthia Hotel Budapest, Budapest, Hungary, Aug 2013.
  119. P. Venugopalan and K. C. Unnikrishnan, “Signal distortion due to low-pass filtering in phase generated carrier demodulation schemes for interferometric sensors,” in SYMPOL 2013, Cochin, India, Oct 2013. [ .pdf ]
  120. A. Mahmood, M. Chitre, and M. Armand, “Baseband characterization of additive white symmetric α-stable noise,” in Proceedings of IEEE GLOBECOM 2012, (Anaheim, CA, USA), pp. 3703–3708, December 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  121. Y. T. Tan and M. Chitre, “Direct policy search with variable-length genetic algorithm for single beacon cooperative path planning,” in Proceedings of International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2012), (Baltimore, USA), November 2012. [ .pdf ]
  122. H. Liu and M. Chitre, “Minimax MMSE estimator for sparse system,” in The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2012 (WCECS2012), (San Francisco, USA), October 2012. [ .pdf ]
  123. M. Chitre, K. Pelekanakis, and M. Legg, “Statistical bit-error modeling of shallow water acoustic communication links,” in Proceedings of Underwater Communications: Channel Modelling & Validation (UComms 2012), (Sestri Levante, Italy), September 2012. [ .pdf ]
  124. Y. T. Tan and M. Chitre, “Hierarchical multi-agent command and control system for autonomous underwater vehicles,” in IEEE AUV 2012, (Southampton, UK), September 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  125. X. Yang, C. Zhihao, J. H. Ng, P. Venugopalan, and K. C. Unnikrishnan, “A PGC demodulation based on differential-cross-multiplying (DCM) and arctangent (ATAN) algorithm with low harmonic distortion and high stability,” in Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 8421, pp. 84215J–1, July 2012.
  126. K. C. Unnikrishnan, P. Venugopalan, K. M. Lim, and C. H. Chew, “Design considerations for a DFB fibre laser based high sensitivity broadband hydrophone,” in Proceedings of ECUA 2012, Edinburgh, July 2012. [ .pdf ]
  127. M. Doniec, I. Topor, M. Chitre, and D. Rus, “Autonomous, localization-free underwater data muling using acoustic and optical communication,” in Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, (Quebec City, Canada), May 2012.
  128. M. Chitre, I. Topor, and T.-B. Koay, “The UNET-2 modem — an extensible tool for underwater networking research,” in Proceedings of OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Yeosu, (Yeosu, South Korea), May 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  129. I. Topor, M. Chitre, and M. Motani, “Sub-Gaussian model based LDPC decoder for sαs noise channels,” in Proceedings of OCEANS 2012 MTS/IEEE Yeosu, (Yeosu, South Korea), May 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  130. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M. Chitre, E. Mátrai, K. Yeo, and J. Lee, “Dolphin echolocation – synthetic aperture or `raster scanning’?,” in Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong Conference and Exhibition, (Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre), May 2012.
  131. M. W. Legg and M. Chitre, “Clustering of snapping shrimp snaps on long time scales: A simulation study,” in Australian Acoustical Society Conference (ACOUSTICS 2012): Acoustics, Development, and the Environment, (Fremantle, Australia), 2012.
  132. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M. Chitre, E. Mátrai, K. Yeo, and J. Lee, “Dolphin echolocation—synthetic aperture or “raster scanning”?,” in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 131, pp. 3362–3362, 2012. [ DOI | http ]
  133. M. Chitre, “Holistic approach to multi-AUV missions,” in International Workshop on Mobile Aquamarine Systems (Body, Brain and Applications), (SMART Center, NUS, Singapore), January 2012.
  134. M. R. Behera, P. Sundarambal, C. Cui, P. Venugopalan, and P. Tkalich, “Frequency analysis of hydrodynamics and water quality parameters in the Johor Strait, Singapore,” in 18th IAHR-APD 2012, ICC Jeju, Jeju Island, Jeju, South Korea, Aug 2012.
  135. J. Simmons, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, T. M. Leong, S. Hiryu, H. Riquimaroux, J. M. Knowles, and C. F. Moss, “The variety of broadband echolocation sounds and their implications for biosonar processing,” in 164th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Kansas City, Missouri, Kansas City Marriott Downtown Hotel, Mansan City, United States , Oct 2012.
  136. K. C. Unnikrishnan, P. Venugopalan, Z. Chen, and J. H. Ng, “Development of a high sensitivity DFB fibre laser hydrophone – work in progress at national university of singapore,” in IEEE/OES SYMPOL COCHIN, INDIA, November 2011. [ .pdf ]
  137. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M. Chitre, R. Wellard, J. Lee, G. Abel, K. Yeo, and J.-L. Chew, “Is synthetic aperture an essential tool for echoic shape recognition in dolphins?,” in OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE, (Kona, Hawaii, USA), September 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  138. S. Shahabudeen, M. Chitre, and M. Motani, “MAC Protocols that Exploit Propagation Delay in Underwater Networks,” in OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE, (Kona, Hawaii,USA), September 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  139. S. Kuselan, M. Chitre, and V. Pallayil, “Ambient noise imaging through joint source localization,” in OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE, (Kona, Hawaii, USA), September 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  140. Y. T. Tan and M. Chitre, “Single beacon cooperative path planning using cross-entropy method,” in OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE, (Kona, Hawaii, USA), September 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  141. K. Yeo, K. Pelekanakis, and M. Chitre, “Time-Domain Equalization for Underwater Acoustic OFDM Systems with Insufficient Cyclic Prefix,” in OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE Hawaii, USA, September 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  142. K. Pelekanakis, H. Liu, and M. Chitre, “An algorithm for sparse underwater acoustic channel identification under symmetric α-stable noise,” in OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE, (Santander, Spain), June 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  143. K. Pelekanakis and M. Chitre, “Natural gradient-based adaptive algorithms for sparse underwater acoustic channel identification,” in Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results, 4th International Conference and Exhibition (UAM 2011), (Kos Island, Greece), pp. 1403–1410, June 2011. [ .pdf ]
  144. P. Casari, B. Tomasi, K. Pelekanakis, M. Chitre, and M. Zorzi, “Performance Evaluation Of SNR Prediction Schemes In Acoustic Communication Systems Using Variable-Rate Modulation,” in Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results, 4th International Conference and Exhibition, (Kos Island, Greece), pp. 1081–1088, June 2011. [ .pdf ]
  145. K. C. Unnikrishnan, P. Venugopalan, M. A. Chitre, and K. Subash, “Estimated flow noise levels due to a thin line digital towed array,” in OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE, (Santander, Spain), May 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  146. C. Zhihao, J. H. Ng, and P. Venugopalan, “50km long dfb fibre laser hydrophone system,” in Proceedings of SPIE, 21st International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, vol. 7753, May 2011.
  147. S. Chao, G. S. Hong, Y. H. Eng, and M. A. Chitre, “Modular modeling of autonomous underwater vehicle,” in OCEANS 2011 MTS/IEEE, (Kona, Hawaii, USA), Sep 2011. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  148. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, R. Wellard, J. Lee, E. Matrai, and M. A. Chitre, “Cross-Modal Matching of Rotated Stimuli by a Bottlenose Dolphin,” in 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, (Tampa Convention Center, Florida, USA), Dec 2011. [ .pdf ]
  149. J. L. Chew, T. B. Koay, Y. T. Tan, Y. H. Eng, R. Gao, M. Chitre, and N. Chandhavarkar, “STARFISH: An Open-Architecture AUV and its Applications,” in Defence Technology Asia (DTA 2011), (Singapore), Feb 2011. [ .pdf ]
  150. T. J. Osse, D. P. Sagar, P. Guerrinni, A. Maguer, and M. A. Chitre, “In-water results for AUVs Autonomous Launch And Recovery System (AUVs AutoLARS),” in Maritime System and Technology (MAST 2010), (Plazzo dei Congressi, Rome, Italy), November 2010.
  151. H. Zhuang, Z. Bai, A. Valera, H.-P. Tan, and M. Chitre, “A robust multihop underwater network for sensing applications — implementation and experimental evaluation,” in Communication Systems (ICCS), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, (Singapore), pp. 376–380, IEEE, November 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  152. N. Chirdchoo, M. Chitre, and W. S. Soh, “A Study on Network Coding in Underwater Networks,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, (Seattle, USA), September 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  153. T. Koay, S. Yeo, G. Tan, S. Tan, P. Seekings, and M. Chitre, “Measuring the augmented sound localization ability of humans in the underwater environment,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, (Seattle, WA, USA), September 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  154. M. Chitre and W.-S. Soh, “Network coding to combat packet loss in underwater networks,” in The Fifth International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet’10), (Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA), September 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  155. Y. T. Tan, M. Chitre, and P. Vadakkepat, “Hierarchical agent-based command and control system for autonomous underwater vehicles,” in International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS) 2010, (Povoa de Varzim, Portugal), June 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  156. M. Chitre, “Path planning for cooperative underwater range-only navigation using a single beacon,” in International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS) 2010, (Povoa de Varzim, Portugal), June 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  157. S. Gopi, V. P. Felix, S. Sabu, P. Venugopalan, and K. Subash, “In-situ non-acoustic noise measurement system for towed hydrophone arrays,” in Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), 2010 IEEE. Texas Austin:IEEE, May 2010. [ .pdf ]
  158. D. P. Sagar and M. A. Chitre, “Integrated Missions using AUV and USV,” in Defence Technology Asia (DTA 2010), (Singapore), May 2010.
  159. R. Gao and M. Chitre, “Cooperative positioning using range-only measurements between two AUVs,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, (Sydney, Australia), May 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  160. M. Chitre, M. Motani, and S. Shahabudeen, “A scheduling algorithm for wireless networks with large propagation delays,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, (Sydney, Australia), May 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  161. S. Shankar, M. Chitre, and M. Jayasuriya, “Data driven algorithms to tune physical layer parameters of an underwater communication link,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, (Sydney, Australia), May 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  162. Y. H. Eng, G. S. Hong, and M. Chitre, “Depth control of an autonomous underwater vehicle, STARFISH,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, (Sydney, Australia), May 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  163. H. Q. Liu, M. Chitre, and R. Gao, “AUV positioning based on Interactive Multiple Model,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE, (Sydney, Australia), May 2010. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  164. S. Kuselan, A. Raichur, and V. Pallayil, “Design and development of a giga-bit ethernet based high speed broadband data acquisition system for an underwater imaging array,” in OCEANS 2010 MTS/IEEE Seattle, USA, pp. 1 –7, 2010. [ .pdf ]
  165. T. B. Koay, Y. T. Tan, Y. H. Eng, R. Gao, M. Chitre, J. L. Chew, N. Chandhavarkar, R. Khan, T. Taher, and J. Koh, “STARFISH – A small team of autonomous robotics fish,” in 3rd International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications 2010, (Cyberjaya, Malaysia), Nov 2010. [ .pdf ]
  166. S. Shahabudeen and M. Motani, “Modeling and performance analysis of MACA based protocols for adhoc underwater networks,” in Wuwnet 2009, Berkeley, California, November 2009. [ .pdf ]
  167. M. Doniec, I. Vasilescu, C. Detweiler, D. Rus, M. Chitre, and M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, “AQUAOPTICAL: A lightweight device for high-rate long-range underwater point-to-point communication,” in OCEANS 2009 MTS/IEEE, (Biloxi, MS, USA), October 2009. [ DOI ]
  168. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, P. J. Seekings, and M. A. Chitre, “ASPOD — acoustic source position overlay device – real-time visual and acoustic localization of marine mammals,” in 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, (Quebec, Canada), October 2009.
  169. S. Shahabudeen, M. A. Chitre, M. Motani, and Y. S. Low, “Unified Simulation and Implementation Software Framework for Underwater MAC Protocol Development,” in OCEANS 2009 MTS/IEEE, (Biloxi, MS, USA), October 2009. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  170. S. Pai, P. Guerrini, J. Potter, A. Maguer, M. Chitre, and S. Biagini, “Autonomous initial capture system for AUV recovery,” in Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results, 3rd International Conference and Exhibition, (Nafplion, Greece), June 2009. [ .pdf ]
  171. V. Pallayil, S. Sebastian, M. Chitre, K. Govind, and N. Chandhavarkar, “Characterisation of a digital thin line towed array-experimental assessment of vibration levels and tow shape,” in Underwater Acoustic Measurements: Technologies and Results, 3rd International Conference and Exhibition, (Nafplion, Greece), pp. 1235–1243, June 2009. [ .pdf ]
  172. S. Shahabudeen, M. A. Chitre, J. R. Potter, and M. Motani, “Multi-Mode Adaptive MAC Protocol Suite and Standardization Proposal for Heterogeneous Underwater Acoustic Networks,” in Underwater Acoustics Measurements 2009 Conference, (Nafplion, Greece), June 2009. [ .pdf ]
  173. M. Chitre, “The Good, The Bad and The Noisy,” in Science in the Cafe, (Science Center, Singapore), April 2009. (Public talk).
  174. Y. T. Tan, M. A. Chitre, P. Vadakkepat, and S. Shahabudeen, “Design and Development of Command and Control System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” in Defence Technology Asia (DTA 2009), (Singapore), March 2009. [ .pdf ]
  175. T. B. Koay, J. Tan, S. P. Tan, S. K. Yeo, H. Tay, M. Chitre, and J. Potter, “Enabling humans to hear the direction of sounds underwater – Experiments and preliminary results,” in OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE, (Quebec City, Canada), September 2008. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  176. M. Sangekar, M. Chitre, and T. Koay, “Hardware architecture for a modular autonomous underwater vehicle STARFISH,” in OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE, (Quebec City, Canada), September 2008. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  177. M. Chitre, “DSAAV – A distributed software architecture for autonomous vehicles,” in OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE, (Quebec City, Canada), September 2008. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  178. M. A. Chitre, “Acoustic communication in warm shallow water environments,” in Defence Technology Asia (DTA 2008), (Singapore), May 2008.
  179. R. Gao, M. Chitre, S. Ong, and E. Taylor, “Automatic template matching for classification of dolphin vocalizations,” in OCEANS 2008 MTS/IEEE Kobe Techno-Ocean, (Kobe, Japan), pp. 1–6, April 2008. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  180. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M. A. Chitre, J. R. Potter, and C. Cai, “What do dolphins see in sound? – a simulation of the backscattered sound field from an object insonified by an echolocation click,” in 17th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals (P. Best and M. Bester, eds.), (Cape Town, South Africa), December 2007.
  181. J. R. Potter, A. A. Pack, J. Reidenberg, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, P. J. Seekings, M. A. Chitre, T. B. Koay, and L. M. Herman, “Humpback whale song source location in the head, source levels and directionality from in-situ rebreather diver recordings,” in 17th Biennial conference on the biology of marine mammals (P. Best and M. Bester, eds.), (Cape Town, South Africa), December 2007.
  182. V. Pallayil, M. Chitre, and P. Deshpande, “A Digital Thin Line Towed Array for Small Autonomous Underwater Platforms,” in OCEANS 2007 MTS/IEEE, (Vancouver, Canada), pp. 1–9, October 2007. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  183. M. A. Chitre and M. Motani, “On the use of rate-less codes in underwater acoustic file transfers,” in OCEANS 2007 MTS/IEEE – Europe, vols 1-3, (Aberdeen, UK), pp. 457–462, June 2007. OCEANS 2007 Europe International Conference. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  184. S. C. Nanayakkara, M. A. Chitre, S. H. Ong, and E. Taylor, “Automatic Classification of Whistles Produced by Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins (Sousa chinensis),” in OCEANS 2007 MTS/IEEE, (Aberdeen,UK), June 2007. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  185. S. Shahabudeen, M. A. Chitre, and M. Motani, “A multi-channel MAC protocol for AUV networks,” in OCEANS 2007 IEEE/MTS, (Aberdeen, UK), June 2007. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  186. J. R. Potter, A. A. Pack, M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, T. B. Koay, P. Seekings, and M. A. Chitre, “A Synchronised Acoustic Array, Rangefinder & Video System With Examples From Singing Humpback Whales (Megaptera Noveangliae),” in European Cetacean Society 2007, April 23-25 2007. [ .pdf ]
  187. P. D. Deshpande, M. N. Sangekar, B. Kalyan, M. A. Chitre, S. Shahabudeen, V. Pallayil, and T. B. Koay, “Design and Development of AUVs for cooperative missions,” in Defence Technology Asia (DTA 2007), (Singapore), March 22 2007. [ .pdf ]
  188. B. A. Tan, M. Motani, M. A. Chitre, and S. S. Quek, “Multichannel Communication based on Adaptive Equalization in Very Shallow Water Acoustic Channels,” in 1st Australasian Acoustical Societies’ Conference (ACOUSTICS 2006), (Christchurch, New Zealand), November 20-22 2006. [ .pdf ]
  189. M. Chitre, “Acoustic communications and sensor networking in local waters,” in UW Forum, (Changi Naval Base, Singapore), August 2006.
  190. J. R. Potter, M. A. Chitre, and S. Shahabudeen, “Tropical shallow water acoustic communications for ad-hoc networking of coastal autonomous assets,” in Defence Technology Asia (DTA 2006), (Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore), May 24-25 2006.
  191. J. R. Potter, V. Pallayil, M. A. Chitre, T. B. Koay, S. P. Tan, E. T. Tan, and P. D. Deshpande, “Shallow Water Ambient Noise Imaging Camera Developed at the ARL,” in Defence Research and Development conference, (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore), May 23 2006.
  192. S. Karthikeyan, J. R. Potter, R. Balasubramanian, and C. Durville, “Characterization of ambient aerosol particles in the boundary layer over the open indian ocean,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE, (Raffles City Convention Center, Singapore), May 2006.
  193. T. B. Koay, P. J. Seeking, M. Chitre, S. P. Tan, and M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, “Advanced PANDA for high speed autonomous ambient noise data collection and boat tracking – system and results,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE – Asia Pacific, (Singapore), pp. 1–9, May 2006. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  194. S. Seramani, E. Taylor, P. Seekings, and K. Yeo, “Wavelet de-noising with independent component analysis for segmentation of dolphin whistles in a noisy underwater environment,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE – Asia Pacific, pp. 1–7, May 2006. [ .pdf ]
  195. P. Seekings, T. B. Koay, M. Chitre, V. Payallil, P. Deshpande, J. Jin, and L. C. Lim, “Perfomance evaluation of a single crystal hydrophone,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE – Asia Pacific, (Singapore), pp. 1–7, May 2006. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  196. P. Seekings, J. Tan, J. Potter, M. Hoffman-Kuhnt, A. Pack, and L. Herman, “Denoising dolphin click series in the presence of tonals, using singular spectrum analysis and higher order statistics,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE – Asia Pacific, pp. 1–6, May 2006. [ .pdf ]
  197. A. Mallawaarachchi, S. Ong, M. Chitre, and E. Taylor, “A Method for Tracing Dolphin Whistles,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE – Asia Pacific, (Singapore), pp. 1–5, May 2006. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  198. M. Chitre, L. Freitag, E. Sozer, S. Shahabudeen, M. Stojanovic, and J. Potter, “An Architecture for Underwater Networks,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE- Asia Pacific, (Singapore), pp. 1–5, May 2006. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  199. P. D. Deshpande, V. Pallayil, S. Teo, X. Hu, and P. Seekings, “Effect of Biofouling on Acoustic Signals,” in Ocean Sciences 2006, Honolulu, Hawaii, February 20 – 24 2006.
  200. J. R. Potter and M. A. Chitre, “Do Fish fry use Emergent Behaviour in Schools to Find Coral Reefs by Sound?,” in AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, (Honolulu, Hawaii), February 20-24 2006.
  201. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, S. Duncan, R. Kinoshita, G. Abel, and G. Wong, “Matching across the senses — how to train dolphins to integrate vision and echolocation?,” in International Marine Animal Trainers Association, Honolulu, USA, 2006.
  202. H. C. Song, W. S. Hodgkiss, J. D. Skinner, V. Pallayil, P. J. Seekings, I. Topor, and J. R. Potter, “Numerical modeling of a time reversal experiment in shallow Singapore waters,” in OCEANS 2006 MTS/IEEE – ASIA PACIFIC, vol. 1,2, pp. 805–810, 2006. OCEANS 2006-Asia Pacific Conference, Singapore, SINGAPORE, MAY 16-19, 2006. [ .pdf ]
  203. J. R. Potter and C. Durville, “Jocara Indian Ocean Quest; There is but one planet earth… and on that planet, but One Ocean.,” in IEEE/MTS OCEANS 2005, Washington DC, 18-23 September 2005, Washington D.C., USA, December 18 2005.
  204. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M. A. Chitre, J. R. Potter, and W. J. Lee, “Dolphin echolocation – seeing through the clutter,” in 16th Biennial Conference of the Biology of Marine Mammals, (San Diego, USA), December 2005.
  205. M. Chitre, S. Ong, and J. Potter, “Performance of coded OFDM in very shallow water channels and snapping shrimp noise,” in OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE, vol. 2, (Washington DC, USA), pp. 996–1001, September 2005. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  206. S. Shahabudeen and M. A. Chitre, “Design of networking protocols for shallow water peer-to-peer acoustic networks,” in OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE – Europe, vol. 1,2, (Brest, France), pp. 628–633, June 20-23 2005. Oceans 2005 Europe International Conference. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  207. M. A. Chitre, “Near-optimal detection in snapping-shrimp dominated ambient noise,” in Defence Technology Asia (Submarine & ASW Asia) 2005, (Singapore), April 19-21 2005. [ .pdf ]
  208. P. D. Deshpande, V. Pallayil, B. S. Wee, and J. R. Potter, “Creating an Incoherent Synthetic Aperture using an Autonomous Profiling Vehicle,” in AAS – ACOUSTICS 2004, Gold Coast, Australia, November 3-5 2004. [ .pdf ]
  209. V. Pallayil, P. D. Deshpande, M. A. Chitre, and J. R. Potter, “Broadband acoustic reflectivity and its application to characterisation of materials,” in OCEANS 2004 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN ’04, (Kobe, Japan), November 2004. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  210. Y. Zhang, J. Potter, P. Seekings, M. Chitre, and V. Pallayil, “Rapid and robust single receiver geoacoustic inversion in shallow water,” in OCEANS 2004 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN ’04, vol. 2, (Kobe, Japan), pp. 1048–1052, November 2004. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  211. T. B. Koay, J. Potter, M. Chitre, S. Ruiz, and E. Delory, “A compact real-time acoustic bandwidth compression system for real-time monitoring of ultrasound,” in OCEANS 2004 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN ’04, vol. 4, (Kobe, Japan), pp. 2323–2329, November 2004. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  212. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, M. Chitre, and J. Potter, “”Ghosts in the image” – aliasing problems with incoherent synthetic aperture using a sparse array,” in OCEANS 2004 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN ’04, vol. 2, (Kobe, Japan), pp. 621–625, November 2004. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  213. M. Chitre, J. Potter, and S. Ong, “Underwater acoustic channel characterisation for medium-range shallow water communications,” in OCEANS 2004 MTS/IEEE TECHNO-OCEAN ’04, vol. 1, (Kobe, Japan), pp. 40–45, November 2004. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  214. J. R. Potter, “A possible mechanism for acoustic triggering of decompression sickness symptoms in deepdiving marine mammals,” in Proceedings Of The 2004 International Symposium On Underwater Technology, pp. 365–371, April 20-23 2004. 4th International Symposium on Underwater Technology, Taipei, TAIWAN. [ .pdf ]
  215. S. P. Tan, T. B. Koay, P. Venugopalan, M. A. Chitre, and J. R. Potter, “Development of a shallow water ambient noise database,” in Underwater Technology, 2004. UT ’04. 2004 International Symposium on, (Taipei, Taiwan), pp. 169–173, April 2004. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  216. T. L. Loh, J. R. Potter, and L. M. Chou, “Acoustic backscatter measurements to distinguish between four types of coral reef substrates,” in 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, International Society for Reef Studies, Okinawa, Japan, Jun 2004.
  217. P. J. Seekings, J. R. Potter, and T. L. Loh, “Coral reed classification using acoustic backscatter,” in International Coral Reef Symposium, Okinawa, Japan, Aug 2004.
  218. J. R. Potter, “Understanding the physics of sound in the sea; how sound behaves and is measured in the marine environment,” in Proceedings of the Society for Marine Mammals, Greensboro’, North Carolina, December 2003.
  219. P. Seekings and J. R. Potter, “Acoustic Signal Characterisation Using Multi-resolution Transforms,” in Proceedings of Underwater Defense Technology Conference, Singapore, November 12-14 2003. [ .pdf ]
  220. M. Hoffmann-Kuhnt, J. R. Potter, A. A. Pack, T. B. Koay, M. H. Deakos, L. M. Herman, and C. Durville, “Up close and personal: Recording humpback whale song at close ranges (10-50m),” in OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE, (San Diego, CA, USA), p. 472, September 2003.
  221. V. Pallayil, M. A. Chitre, E. T. Tan, J. R. Potter, T. B. Koay, S. B. Ruiz, and S. P. Tan, “Ambient noise imaging – First deployments of ROMANIS and preliminary data analysis,” in OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE, (San Diego, CA, USA), pp. 882–888, September 2003. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  222. T. B. Koay, E. T. Tan, M. Chitre, and J. Potter, “Estimating the spatial and temporal distribution of snapping shrimp using a portable, broadband 3-dimensional acoustic array,” in OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE, vol. 5, (San Diego, CA, USA), pp. 2706–2713, September 2003. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  223. M. Chitre, T. B. Koay, and J. Potter, “Origins of directionality in snapping shrimp sounds and its potential applications,” in OCEANS 2003 MTS/IEEE, vol. 2, (San Diego, CA, USA), pp. 889–896, September 2003. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  224. P. Seekings and J. R. Potter, “Classification of marine acoustic signals using Wavelets & Neural Networks,” in Proceeding of 8th Western Pacific Acoustics conference (Wespac8), Australia, April 7-9 2003. [ .pdf ]
  225. J. R. Potter, “Ambient Noise Imaging techniques and potential in warm shallow water,” in Proceedings of the ASW Asia workshop, Singapore, 2003. [ .pdf ]
  226. P. J. Seekings, T. L. Loh, J. R. Potter, and L. M. Chou, “Acoustic Backscatter Measurements To Distinguish Between Four Types Of Coral Reef Substrates,” in Islands and Reefs Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Aug 15-16 2003.
  227. J. R. Potter, “Detection, classification and tracking of marine mammals using passive, active and ambient noise techniques,” in European Cetacean Society conference, Gran Canaria, Spain, 2003.
  228. A. A. Pack, J. R. Potter, L. M. Herman, M. H. Deakos, and M. Hoffman-Kuhnt, “Determining source levels and sound fields for singing humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on the Hawaiian wintering grounds,” in Environmental Consequences of Underwater Sound workshop, Austin, Texas, 2003.
  229. J. R. Potter, T. B. Koay, and V. Pallayil, “Statistical analysis of low-frequency noise recorded in ASIAEX by a PANDA system,” in Acoustical Society of America meeting, Cancun, Mexico, 2003.
  230. J. R. Potter and L. Malod, “Expanding uses of ambient noise for imaging, detection and communication,” in Acoustical Society of America meeting, Cancun, Mexico, 2003.
  231. T. B. Koay, E. T. Tan, and J. Potter, “A portable, self-contained, 5MSa/s data acquisition system for broadband, high frequency acoustic beamforming,” in OCEANS ’02 MTS/IEEE, vol. 1, pp. 369–378 vol.1, October 2002. [ .pdf ]
  232. D. Sun, J. R. Potter, and T. B. Koay, “Single Receiver Rapid Geoacoustic Inversion in Shallow Water,” in The 3rd International Workshop on Underwater Acoustical Technology, Harbin, China, August 2002. [ .pdf ]
  233. C. K. Lim and J. R. Potter, “Ambient Noise Imaging; enhanced spatial correlation algorithms and a way to combine independent images for improved stability and false alarm rate,” in Proceedings of Underwater Technology 2002, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 196–201, 2002. [ .pdf ]
  234. E. Delory, M. André, and J. R. Potter, “An ambient noise imaging sonar to detect non-vocalising sperm whales,” in Proceedings of the European Cetacean Society Meeting, 2002. [ .pdf ]
  235. J. R. Potter, “A Time Reversal Mirror barrier concept,” in NUWC ASW Workshop, Rhode Island, 2002.
  236. T. B. Koay, J. R. Potter, and D. Sun, “Rapid, robust, single-point geoacoustic inversion in shallow water,” in NUWC ASW workshop, Rhode Island, 2002.
  237. J. R. Potter, V. Pallayil, and L. Malod, “Coherent Ambient Noise Imaging in shallow water,” in NUWC ASW workshop, Rhode Island, 2002.
  238. H. Zhang, T. B. Koay, V. Pallayil, Y. Zhang, and J. R. Potter, “Fibre channel storage area network design for an acoustic camera system with 1.6 gbits/s bandwidth,” in IEEE REGION 10 International conference on electrical and electronic technology (D. Tien and Y. Liang, eds.), vol. 1, 2, pp. 143–148, August 2001. IEEE Region 10 International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technology, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE, August 19-22, 2001. [ .pdf ]
  239. J. R. Potter, E. Delory, S. Constantin, and B. S., “The thinarray; a lightweight, ultra-thin (8 mm OD) towed array for use from small vessels of opportunity,” in Underwater Technology 2000, Tokyo, Japan, June 2001. [ .pdf ]
  240. M. Andre and J. R. Potter, “Potential mitigation of fast-ferries acoustic and direct physical impact on cetaceans: towards a sustainable development of modern shipping,” in Euroean Cetacean Society conference workshop on cetacean collisions in the Mediterranean Sea, Rome, 2001, Rome, Italy, May 6-10 2001.
  241. T. B. Koay, J. Potter, T. Johansson, and P. Venugopalan, “PANDA; a self-recovering shallow water acoustic logger,” in OCEANS, 2001. MTS/IEEE Conference and Exhibition, vol. 3, pp. 1879–1885 vol.3, 2001. [ .pdf ]
  242. J. R. Potter and E. Delory, “Coral reef and tropical shallow water soundscapes,” in 17th International Congress on Acoustics, Rome, p. 101, 2001. [ .pdf ]
  243. J. R. Potter and E. Taylor, “On novel reception models for Bottlenose dolphin echolocation,” in Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, Biosonar, Loughborough, UK, vol. 24, 2001. [ .pdf ]
  244. J. R. Potter, V. Pallayil, and T. B. Koay, “South China Sea acoustics; PANDA moorings (an endangered species),” in ASIAEX workshop, Hawaii, 2001.
  245. J. R. Potter and T. B. Koay, “Do snapping shrimp chorus in time or cluster in space? Temporal-spatial studies of high-frequency ambient noise in Singapore waters,” in European Conference on Underwater Acoustics 2000, Lyons, France, July 2000. [ .pdf ]
  246. E. Delory, J. R. Potter, C. Miller, and C. Chiu, “Detection of blue whales A and B calls in the northeast Pacific Ocean using a multi-scale discriminant operator,” in 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Maui, Hawaii, November/December 1999.
  247. V. Pallayil, P. D. Deshpande, S. Badiu, S. Constantin, B. Lu, and J. R. Potter, “A 1.6 Gigabit/second, 25-85 kHz Acoustic Imaging Array- Novel Mechanical and Electronics Design Aspects,” in OCEANS’99 MTS/IEEE Conference Proceedings, Seattle, vol. 1, September 1999. [ .pdf ]
  248. E. Delory and J. R. Potter, “Objectivity in the study of marine mammal vocalisations: a wavelet approach,” in European Cetacean Society Proceedings, Valencia, April 1999. [ .pdf ]
  249. D. Ketten and J. R. Potter, “Man-made noise in the oceans: a gedanken experiment,” in 137th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Berlin, March 1999.
  250. E. Delory and J. R. Potter, “Transient, tonal and background noise filtering with block transforms,” in 137th Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Berlin, March 1999.
  251. E. Douaze, E. Delory, J. R. Potter, and E. Taylor, “Modeling animal FM tones using a cubic spline interpolation,” in 137 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, (Berlin, Germany), Jan 1999.
  252. D. Ketten and J. R. Potter, “Anthropogenic ocean noise; negligible or negligent impact?,” in 137 Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Berlin, Germany, Jan 1999.
  253. L. Hong, T. B. Koay, J. R. Potter, and S. H. Ong, “Estimating snapping shrimp noise in warm shallow water,” in Oceanology International ’99, Singapore, 1999. [ .pdf ]
  254. J. R. Potter, “Challenges of seeing underwater -a vision for tomorrow,” in Naval Platform Technologies Seminar, Singapore, 1999. [ .pdf ]
  255. E. Delory and J. R. Potter, “Comparative study of shift-invariant symmetric wavelets and cosine local discriminant bases in noisy transient classification,” in MINDEF-NUS Joint Seminar, Singapore, January 1999. [ .pdf ]
  256. M. A. Chitre and J. R. Potter, “Optimisation and beamforming of a two-dimensional sparse array,” in International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 1998), vol. 1, (Chennai, India), pp. 452 — 459, November 1998. [ .pdf ]
  257. J. R. Potter and E. Delory, “Noise sources in the sea and the impact for those who live there,” in Acoustics and Vibration Asia’98, Singapore, November 1998. [ .pdf ]
  258. E. Delory and J. R. Potter, “Signal processing aspect of signal detection masking and noise suppression,” in Acoustics and Vibration Asia’98, Singapore, November 1998. [ .pdf ]
  259. J. C. Gordon, D. Gillespie, J. R. Potter, A. Frantzis, M. P. Simmonds, and R. Swift, “The effects of seismic surveys on marine mammals,” in Proceedings of the UK Seismic and marine mammals workshop, London, June 1998. [ .pdf ]
  260. J. C. D. Gordon, D. Gillespie, J. R. Potter, R. Swift, and A. Frantzis, “Seismic and marine mammal interactions,” in Proceedings of Seismic and marine mammals workshop, London, United Kingdom, Jun 1998.
  261. J. R. Potter, “Ambient noise imaging potential for intelligent terrestrial animals,” in Singapore Acoustical Society Annual Conference, Singapore, 1998.
  262. E. Delory and J. R. Potter, “A Time Invariant Wavelet Packet Transform As A Preprocessor To A Temporally Constrained Neural Network For Identification Of Humpback Whale Song,” in World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Monaco, 1998.
  263. D. Ketten and J. R. Potter, “Man-made noise in the oceans: irrelevant or irreparable ?,” in World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Monaco, 1998.
  264. E. Taylor, J. R. Potter, and M. A. Chitre, “Ambient noise imaging potential of marine mammals,” in Underwater Bio-Sonar and Bioacoustics Symposium, (Loughborough, UK), December 1997.
  265. J. R. Potter, E. Taylor, and M. A. Chitre, “Could Marine Mammals use Ambient Noise Imaging techniques ?,” in 134th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America Meeting, (San Diego, CA), December 1997. [ DOI ]
  266. M. A. Chitre and J. R. Potter, “Ambient Noise Imaging Simulation using Gaussian Beams,” in 134th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, (San Diego, CA), December 1997. [ DOI ]
  267. J. R. Potter, F. N. Wu, and L. Hong, “A planned tomographic inversion experiment for snapping shrimp; temporal and spatial statistics of these primary noise producers,” in Shallow Water Acoustics Conference, Beijing, PRC, 1997.
  268. J. R. Potter, L. T. Wei, and M. A. Chitre, “High-frequency ambient noise in warm shallow waters,” in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Natural Physical Processes associated with Sea Surface Sound (Sea Surface Sound ’97), (UK), 1997.
  269. J. R. Potter, G. Sedun, and E. Taylor, “The ‘smartbuoy’ autonomous vehicle, a proposed multi-disciplinary technology tool for coastal oceanography,” in Oceanology International ’97, Singapore, 1997.
  270. J. R. Potter, T. W. Lim, and M. A. Chitre, “Ambient noise environments in shallow tropical seas and the implications for acoustic sensing,” in Oceanology International ’97, Singapore, 1997. [ .pdf ]
  271. J. R. Potter, “A new Ambient Noise Imaging system for ANI, passive and bistatic active acoustic imaging in shallow water,” in High Frequency Acoustics in Shallow Water, Italy, 1997.
  272. J. R. Potter, T. W. Lim, and M. A. Chitre, “Acoustic Imaging & the Natural Soundscape in Singapore Waters,” in DSO-NUS Joint R&D Seminar, Singapore, 1997.
  273. J. R. Potter and E. Delory, “Wavelet decomposition and compression as a pre-processor to a neural network for identification of Humpback whale song,” in Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, USA, 1997.
  274. J. R. Potter and M. A. Chitre, “Statistical models for ambient noise imaging in temperate and tropical waters,” in 132nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, (Honolulu, Hawaii), December 1996. [ DOI ]
  275. J. R. Potter, S. H. Ong, Q. Ye, and F. N. Wu, “High Resolution Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Ambient Noise Imaging,” in 132nd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, (Honolulu, Hawaii), December 1996. [ DOI ]
  276. J. R. Potter and M. A. Chitre, “ADONIS imaging with a Kalman filter & higher-order statistics,” in 3rd European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2006), vol. 1, (Heraklion, Greece), pp. 349 — 354, July 1996.

Theses and Dissertations

  1. K. X. Li, Physics-Aided Data-Driven Underwater Acoustic Propagation Modeling, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2022. [ .pdf ]
  2. Y. H. Chua, The Impact of Bubbles on Acoustic Communication, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2020. [ .pdf ]
  3. R. Gao, Cooperative Localization and Bathymetry-Aided Navigation of Autonomous Marine Systems, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2019. [ .pdf ]
  4. R. Mishra, Information Based Adaptive Path Planning and Sampling for Environmental Monitoring, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2019. [ .pdf ]
  5. L. J. Wong, Polymetallic Nodule Abundance Estimation Using Sidescan Sonar: A Quantitative Approach Using Artificial Neural Network, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2019. [ .pdf ]
  6. Y. M. Too, Passive Sensing with Snapping Shrimp Noise, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2016. [ .pdf ]
  7. P. Anjangi, Transmission Scheduling Strategies for Underwater Acoustic Networks with Large Propagation Delays, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2016. [ .pdf ]
  8. M. Shaukat, Multi-Agent Source Localization using Passive Sensing, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2015. [ .pdf ]
  9. Y. T. Tan, Cooperative Algorithms for a Team of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2015. [ .pdf ]
  10. Y.-H. Eng, Online System Identification And Control Of An Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2015. [ .pdf ]
  11. V. Ganesan, Robust underwater obstacle detection and avoidance, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2014. [ .pdf ]
  12. A. Mahmood, Digital Communications in Additive White Symmetric Alpha-Stable Noise, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2014. [ .pdf ]
  13. S. Shankar, Tuning an underwater communication link, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2013. [ .pdf ]
  14. J. L. Chew, Object detection with sector scanning sonar, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2013. [ .pdf ]
  15. Y. X. Ow, Route planning algorithms for urban environment, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2012. [ .pdf ]
  16. S. Shahabudeen, Time Domain Medium Access Control Protocols For Underwater Acoustic Networks, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2012. [ .pdf ]
  17. R. Gao, Computer-based classification of dolphin whistles, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2011. [ .pdf ]
  18. Y. T. Tan, Design and Development of Command and Control System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2008. [ .pdf ]
  19. M. A. Chitre, Underwater Acoustic Communications in Warm Shallow Water Channels, PhD thesis, National University of Singapore, 2006. [ .pdf ]
  20. T. B. Koay, Development of a high frequency ambient noise data acquisition system, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2003. [ .pdf ]
  21. M. A. Chitre, Optimisation of ambient noise imaging through simulation and modelling, Master’s thesis, National University of Singapore, 2000.


  1. H. Vishnu, “The Challenges of Deep-Sea Exploration” OES Earthzine, October 2021. [ http ]
  2. H. Vishnu, “Bridging Ocean Engineering and Science at Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022” OES Earthzine, August 2021. [ http ]
  3. H. Vishnu, “UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable development – Science communication and outreach (Part 2/2)” OES Earthzine, May 2021. [ http ]
  4. B. Kalyan and F. Ferreira, “Autonomous Systems – Emerging & Future Technology Panel at OCEANS 2020” OES Earthzine, January 2021. [ http ]
  5. H. Vishnu, “Exploring Worlds beyond the coastline” OES Earthzine, January 2021. [ http ]
  6. H. Vishnu and G. Chia, “Inspiring young minds towards Oceanic Engineering – TryEngineering webinar” OES Earthzine, October 2020. [ http ]
  7. H. Vishnu, “AUV-related research articles in April issue of IEEE JOE” OES Earthzine, July 2020. [ http ]
  8. H. Vishnu, “UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable development – Outreach (Part 1/2)” OES Earthzine, June 2020. [ http ]
  9. H. Vishnu, “Climate Science for the public – The IPCC report on Ocean and Cryosphere” OES Earthzine, March 2020. [ http ]
  10. H. Vishnu, “(Editorial) Earthzine announces Plastics theme for first quarter of 2020” OES Earthzine, January 2020. [ http ]
  11. H. Vishnu, “Data. To store or not to store, that is the question” OES Earthzine, October 2019. [ http ]
  12. H. Vishnu, “Arctic Research at Oceans 2019 – A summary” OES Earthzine, September 2019. [ http ]
  13. H. Vishnu, “(Editorial) Earthzine resumes operations” OES Earthzine, August 2019. [ http ]
  14. F. B. Carlson and M. Chitre, “New Metrics Between Rational Spectra and their Connection to Optimal Transport.” arXiv:2004.09152 [stat.ML], April 2020. [ http | .pdf ]
  15. L. J. Wong and H. Vishnu, “OCEANS ’19 Marseille: Analysis of the number of papers mentioning machine learning.” IEEE Earthzine, February 2020. [ http | .pdf ]
  16. M. Chitre, “Editorial Outreach, Impact, and Earthzine.” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 44(4) pp.814, October 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  17. M. Chitre, “Excellence in Review 2018.” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 44(2) pp.283-285, April 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  18. A. Song, M. Stojanovic, and M. Chitre, “Editorial Underwater Acoustic Communications: Where We Stand and What Is Next?.” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 44(1), 2019. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  19. M. Chitre, “Editorial On Writing Reproducible and Interactive Papers.” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 43(3), 2018. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  20. M. Chitre and N. R. Chapman, “Editorial addition of new material after peer review.” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 43(1), 2018. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  21. M. Chitre and N. R. Chapman, “Editorial Hello from Your New EIC.” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 43(1), 2018. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  22. M. Chitre and D. Srinivasan, “Evaluating teaching effectiveness using quantitative student feedback.” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), 2018. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  23. Y.-H. Tay, “A Low Cost, Hovering, Novel, 2-DOF Micro AUV.” OES Beacon Newsletter, December 2016. [ .html | .pdf ]
  24. X. Zhang, J. H. Cui, S. Das, M. Gerla, and M. Chitre, “Underwater Wireless Communications and Networks: Theory and Application, Part 2 [Guest Editorial].” IEEE Communications Magazine, 54(2), 30-33, 2016. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  25. J. R. Potter, M. Stojanovic, and M. Chitre, “Guest Editorial: Special Collection of Papers Arising From UComms14.” IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 40(4), 757-758, 2015. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  26. X. Zhang, J. H. Cui, S. Das, M. Gerla, and M. Chitre, “Underwater Wireless Communications and Networks: Theory and Application, Part 1 [Guest Editorial].” IEEE Communications Magazine, 53(11), 40-41, 2015. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  27. F. Ehlers, D. Sofge, M. Chitre, and J. R. Potter, “Distributed Mobile Sensor Networks for Hazardous Applications [Editorial].” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 8(4), 2012. [ DOI | .pdf ]
  28. E. Kolster and M. Chitre, “Snapping shrimp.” Singapore Scientist, no. 116, 2010.
  29. J. R. Potter, E. A. Taylor, and M. A. Chitre, “Cacophony of the deep.” Discover Magazine, vol. 19, no. 5, May 1998.
  30. E. S. Chan, N. J. Shankar, G. Rajasekaran, and M. A. Chitre, “The National University of Singapore Automated Wave Basin Profiling System Users’ Manual.” Research Report no. CE017/96, 1996.